Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants. Jeans are still good to go, although most require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:)
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. Annoying but I can practically sleep through it.
Best moment of this week: Seeing old friends, finally getting to see my sister and brother-in-laws new home, and registering for this babe with my mom!
Miss anything: wine and beer.
Movement: Loving how much more often they are happening! I don’t think i’ll ever get sick of them, that is until they possibly get painful;)
Food cravings: still oranges and olives, lots of olives! Also, it seems to be a pattern that after dinner most nights I am eating a bowl of natural golden grahams {the natural part makes me feel a lot better about it;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: for SURE
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery soon!
My husband hasn’t had a drink in 18 years. He loved beer and now drinks non alcoholic beer. It tastes pretty good. The best ones are Haake Beck and St. Pauli Girl. Skip the O’Douls. Why don’t you try one. Loaded with B vitamins. Ann
omg! Every time I have read your pregnancy updates I thought it said ‘bellybutton ring in or out?’ And I was thinking she better take it out soon! lmao! We are like 3 days apart btw, I’m due May 27th with a girl!
You are looking so great – but I have to laugh at myself every Thursday… I am 27 weeks along, but with twins and I am huge! I think that I looked like you do now when I was 12 weeks along. Kind of awkward trying to hide a belly when you are not ready to tell people yet! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for the nursery, as I am having fun planning mine.
Melanie- you are so fun. I promise you always look adorable! Thanks! Ann-most non-alch. beers still have a small percentage of alch. so im just avoiding it right now..although I would LOVE to have a beer!! Haha, thanks for the option though:) Clair- haha, thats too funny. Havent had my belly button ring in for years- thank goodness I am over that phase;) Congrats!! Megan- I swear for some reason these bare belly photos make me almost look smaller than I am. AND I seriously had a MAJOR growth spurt this weekend, so next week you will see a huge change, AND your growing two babies! Go yoU! Congrats mama! Colleda- haha I had the same thought, but apparently now sometimes they change the fruit to measure more the babys length rather than size in general..makes no sense but I just follow the guide;)
Awwww you look so cute and tiny still! Everytime I’m pregnant by 20 weeks I’ve gained 20 pounds! You are awesome!!! Enjoy this stage 🙂
My husband hasn’t had a drink in 18 years. He loved beer and now drinks non alcoholic beer. It tastes pretty good. The best ones are Haake Beck and St. Pauli Girl. Skip the O’Douls. Why don’t you try one. Loaded with B vitamins. Ann
omg! Every time I have read your pregnancy updates I thought it said ‘bellybutton ring in or out?’ And I was thinking she better take it out soon! lmao! We are like 3 days apart btw, I’m due May 27th with a girl!
You are looking so great – but I have to laugh at myself every Thursday… I am 27 weeks along, but with twins and I am huge! I think that I looked like you do now when I was 12 weeks along. Kind of awkward trying to hide a belly when you are not ready to tell people yet! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for the nursery, as I am having fun planning mine.
Is it just me or does a carrot seem smaller than a banana? What an interesting way to mark time. Cheers!
Melanie- you are so fun. I promise you always look adorable! Thanks!
Ann-most non-alch. beers still have a small percentage of alch. so im just avoiding it right now..although I would LOVE to have a beer!! Haha, thanks for the option though:)
Clair- haha, thats too funny. Havent had my belly button ring in for years- thank goodness I am over that phase;) Congrats!!
Megan- I swear for some reason these bare belly photos make me almost look smaller than I am. AND I seriously had a MAJOR growth spurt this weekend, so next week you will see a huge change, AND your growing two babies! Go yoU! Congrats mama!
Colleda- haha I had the same thought, but apparently now sometimes they change the fruit to measure more the babys length rather than size in general..makes no sense but I just follow the guide;)
You’re blog is so inspiring Adri. And you’re so gorgeous. By the way, I miss you
<3 Paige