How far along: 15 weeks! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 1 lb. and totally rockin’ a bump all the time now!
Maternity clothes: None yet, but i’m sure they will be pulled out before I know it.
Stretch marks: None yet this time around, and again I am using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. Last time around I got three marks the ONE night I forgot to put it on my chest, so I am not making that mistake this time around!
Sleep: Been finding myself waking up once a night to go pee, but also have been chugging water like its going out of style trying to keep this stupid cold! Really random pregnancy thing {or maybe not, maybe my teeth are just being weird} but my front bottom teeth have been SUPER sensitive this week- I’ve even considered going to a dental expert, at somewhere like https://www.gumsurgery.com/, to see if they can help with the sensitivity. Has that happened to anyone else during pregnancy??
Best moment of this week: Well, not gonna lie- this past week was a doozy. We had a great New Years celebrating with our friends house. It was really nice not going to a big party like we normally do, we just made pizza and caught up with our friends {are we getting old or what?!}. Other than that though, J had the flu, and then Bray got a cold, which he passed to me, and J got it either from us or his office. Fun times here at the Lentine house. It’s a good thing that an Online pharmacy exists for people like us to use, especially if you can’t get out of the house when you are feeling so rough!
Miss anything: A nice glass of wine or beer, badly. Also, not being stuffed up! Some days I am so stuffed up, others I am perfectly fine, darn you pregnancy rhinitis {this week I blame the cold not the pregnancy!}
Movement: None, and just like with Bray, my placenta is in front so they said I won’t feel the movement for longer than most would:(
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I did notice this week though that I am not wanting meat nearly as much as I normally do, so I need to make sure I either force it down, or get the protein from another source.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Hooray!!!!
Have you started to show yet: Yep.
Gender: Unknown, find out at 18 weeks!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: Man oh man, if that thing is not already creeping its way out. So funny.
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy for sure, and will be even more happy when we are all healthy again!
Looking forward to: Everyone being healthy, playdates this week {assuming we are better by then}, and having the house back to normal {no more holiday decor}.

Love your updates! I totally had the tooth sensitivity thing on and off during my pregnancy. I’m not really sure if there is anything you can do for it, other than using sensitivity toothpaste. At least I didn’t find anything that worked for me. It did go away for good shortly after I delivered.
Such a weird pregnancy thing! I never had it with the last baby. Good to know it goes away for sure, along with all the other random things your body does in order to perform a miracle:)