How far along: 18 weeks! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 3 lb. and totally rockin’ a bump all the time now!
Maternity clothes: None yet, but i’m sure they will be pulled out before I know it.
Stretch marks: None yet this time around, and again I am using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. BUT HOLD ON! A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $35, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $66! What?! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}! Last time around I got three marks the ONE night I forgot to put it on my chest, so I am not making that mistake this time around!
Sleep: I’ve got my energy back during the day now, but night time sleep has been kinda crappy this week. Just sort of restless.
Best moment of this week: Celebrating the engagement of my best girlfriend, you know- the one who takes any photo that looks even remotely decent on this site, Melissa Young Photography.
Miss anything: Drinks!
Movement: Tons! AND now we both have gotten to feel this baby! So fun this early!!!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, other than maybe soda. Bad girl! Trying to drink san pellegrino with a splash of juice in it to curb that craving, sometimes it works- sometimes not.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Hooray!!!!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I have TOTALLY popped out!
Gender: Unknown, but we find out next Tuesday!
Labor signs: Nope. But I did start having Braxton Hicks this week. Not too many in one hour, so nothing to be super concerned about, but still kinda scary that they are happening a full 10 weeks earlier than with Bray. Just praying they don’t get worse, forcing me to slow down too much.
Belly button in or out: Man oh man, it came out even more this week!
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be.
Looking forward to: So many incredible things, but the best thing we were looking forward to already happened yesterday… we found out we are having a….
Yep- another boy! Honestly we couldn’t be any happier. Bray will have a little brother, 25 months apart. I am praying that they will be BFFs and have a beautiful relationship. Anyone out there with two boys close together in age?? Tips?? Heres to being so outnumbered!!

Congratulations on your second boy! How fun it will be to have all these men doting on you.
Hooray! Congratulations Queen of your Castle! I have 2 boys exactly 25 months apart, Sammy is now 4 (5 at the end of May) and Ollie is 2 and we have just got the magic stage where Ollie can talk enough that they can have proper little conversations. They go off to the playroom and make up games, Ollie is way ahead in terms of his understanding and fine motor skills because he has a big brother.
He’s 2 and loves lego! I adored seeing Ollie wear Sammy’s old clothes and for parties I can’t resist matching little shirts and bow ties! You will love it. Enjoy the next 22 weeks! xx
I found your blog 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my son (now 20.5) months, and now I too am pregnant with my second baby-also a boy! Im the first of my Friends to have kids so it has been great hearing about your experiences with Bray and now number 2 as well! Congratulations!!!
Congrats! My daughter is due in June with her third. All three are June babies and 24 months apart she has a girl and boy. We are waiting for the big day, I have been wrong both times my husband has guess right both times so I’m going with him and saying she is having a girl…
CONGRATS!! I had a feeling it was another little boy! They will be such best friends! My husband Trevor has an older brother and they sing together and work together- just feed off each others jokes and I think it’s great he will have a little best bud!! Can’t wait to continue watching this little one grow!
I had my first two girls 21 months apart. At the time it didn’t seem like a big deal…Rebekah (my oldest) seemed like such a big girl. Now I look back at pictures and think, “good heavens, what was I thinking…I had TWO babies!” haha! But the older was a big helper with the younger and I don’t remember having too difficult of a time with them both being so close together. Granted, they are now 17 and 16 so maybe my memories are just fading…haha. But they are now and always have been the best of friends! Your two little boys will play together and entertain each other….how fun! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness a boy?!? How fun!! I think we’re having one too. 🙂 boys so close are so much fun. I have three nephews and the first two are 18 months apart and the third is 2 years and it’s so special to watch them together. They really are best friends…. We just love it. If we have a boy I’m really excited about that too. Here’s to being out numbered! 🙂 congrats !!
Luke and Everett are 16 months apart and it’s wonderful! You’ll have a blast. Boys are so fun! Wild but fun!
Congrats! It’s so much fun. My boys are exactly two years apart (10/1/11 & 10/13/13) and it’s really wonderful. There was jealousy and a little rough patch of some naughty behavior, but we are past it and my older son absolutely loves his baby brother!
Boys are the best! So happy for you! I have 4 boys, my oldest two are 17 months apart & 5 years later we had another set of boys 26 months apart. I recommend getting as much sleep as possible while you can. Haha!
3 boys, 19 & 20 months apart, they are all so full of love for each other! Was worried about #3 but they dote over him like crazy 🙂 3 (almost 4), 2.5, 8 months!
My boys are 26 months apart, and I love it! They are 5 and 3 and are best friends. They keep each other company and play so well together. I’m out numbered as well, and the only bad thing about it is cleaning the toilet 🙂
Congrats on your little one! Thank you for the tips on where to find the anti-stretch oils. Do you happen to know if the 16oz bottle is sold elsewhere as it is out of stock and I can’t find it on the products website…