How far along: 15 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th!
Total weight gain: Up 3 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Not yet! But I did start using the hairtie trick for a lot of pants, and thank God- because I need it!
Stretch marks: Nothing happening yet:) But I am using a combo of old and new tricks to keep them away. The Mama Mio oil I have used with the past two pregnancies has kept me almost completely stretch mark free, so i’m sticking with it. But I am also adding in a drop of Gentle Baby and Frankincense Young Living essential oils.
Sleep: Some days taking literally a 15-20 minute nap, and thats all I feel like I need…which is awesome. I also have had GREAT sleep at night this week- thank God. I was beginning to get afraid that I was going to sleep bad this whole pregnancy.
Best moment of this week: We had another weekend with Jeremy home with us, so a ton of family bike rides. Also a nice dinner out to celebrate a work accomplishment with Jeremy!
Miss anything: Cold deli meat and beer..still!
Movement: So, I don’t feel like I feel her move much. SO either I was crazy for a few weeks, shes in a different position now, or something.
Food cravings: Arnold Palmers every single day and Frosted Flakes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing. A GLORIOUS nothing! SO thankful to have made it past that phase now! I have been a sugar addict lately, so trying to curb that a little now because it has gotten out of hand.
Have you started to show yet: Heck yes. And growing daily.
Gender: A sweet precious baby GIRL!
Labor signs: None, and hopefully none for a LONG time.
Belly button in or out: That bad boy is creeping its way out already.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: So happy! So beyond happy. Like can’t stop smiling, and crying, and smiling!
Looking forward to: My doctors apt. tomorrow. Haven’t been in a month, so it will be nice and comforting to hear that heartbeat.