How far along: 18 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th!
Total weight gain: Up 7 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Some. Pregnancy makes me realize just how many different fits I have in my pants. Some jeans need a hair-tie, and some i’ve given up on entirely;)
Stretch marks: Nothing happening yet:) But I am using a combo of old and new tricks to keep them away. The Mama Mio oil I have used with the past two pregnancies has kept me almost completely stretch mark free, so i’m sticking with it. But I am also adding in a drop of Gentle Baby and Frankincense Young Living essential oils.
Sleep: This week was busy so I probably napped most days for a short mid-day cat nap. Gotta get those babies in while I can, right?!
Best moment of this week: We just had a lot of family time this weekend which is always so nice!!
Miss anything: Freaking beer bad right now.
Movement: I feel her move most days now! The best. Cannot wait for them to get bigger and bigger.
Food cravings: Arnold Palmers every single day and Frosted Flakes. Same!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nada!
Have you started to show yet: The week was BY FAR the biggest growth spurt I have had. Everything is so much bigger, and I feel her move now, so I know she is quite bigger now too.
Gender: A sweet precious baby GIRL!
Labor signs: I unfortunately think I am already beginning to get Braxton Hicks contractions. I have them with every pregnancy, and each time they have just started sooner and sooner. I am familiar with them, so they don’t scare me- but just have to be cautious with them and make sure there aren’t ever too many in an hour.
Belly button in or out: That bad boy is creeping its way out already.
Wedding rings on or off: On! But this week it was a little snug getting it on. I’m telling ya, this pregnancy is just so different. I was able to wear my ring the ENTIRE pregnancy of Winston, and I truly don’t think theres a chance of that happening this time around.
Happy or moody most of the time: Plain old happy!
Looking forward to: Braylens birthday party this weekend!!!!!