Oh, the beauty of an exterior change to a home. It goes beyond curb appeal in my mind. It’s the very first impression you can give your guests when they arrive. It is where you will hopefully spend a lot of time in {whether it be the front OR back yard- we happen to use both a lot!} The Guest House flip exterior definitely took a makeover in both the front and back yard and I love how it turned out! All we need to do now is keep the garden in check and get a New Smyrna Beach Power Washing company to keep it looking tidy and it’ll always look beautiful! Here is a Before in case you need a refresher:
One of the main function changes that we made was turing the car port in to a full fledged garage. While us Arizona folk don’t have to deal with snow, we do deal with 120 degrees in summer, so having a nice shaded garage to keep your car in is golden! It was fun building it, although we were a little worried about finding a garage door repair service when we ran into a bit of trouble. Fortunately, we were able to find a service similar to this Garage Door repairs Calgary company in our local area, and we were able to avert our mini-crisis. We also took out some shrubs, a half wall, and bushes. The exterior colors changed too- in order to be able to brighten up the home!
For the backyard, we did a giant overhaul! It was hard work but it looks beautiful now. One of our friends asked us why we didn’t contact a company like https://www.lawncare.net/service-areas/new-york/ to make the yard look better. Perhaps we should’ve called in some professionals to do it for us, it did take a few days! Oh well, it was quite rewarding at the end. This is how it started:
That little block wall and tree completely blocked the feeling of having a nice open back patio, and really just made the yard feel small. The tree was also filling the gutters with leaves, so we had to call Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Charlotte to come and clean out all the gutters. We immediately took them both out and it made SUCH a difference.
We also made the patio all pavers which gives a much nicer feel than plain cement. And by adding the pendant lights, it will make such a beautiful spot to be able to entertain outside in! Imagine those big doors being open straight from the kitchen to outside here- a total indoor-outdoor experience!
The yard also has the actual Guest House in it, but that whole reno is for another day, as it was A HUGE makeover. Think half garage, half tool shed, turned in to beautiful and fully functioning guest house! Ill show you those details here soon!
We love when a homes exterior is just as happy and welcoming as the exterior, so I am glad this space carries that same sentiment. We hope this yard is one day filled with family and friends of the amazing owners, both front and back!