How far along: 10 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th!
Total weight gain: Down 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Not yet!
Stretch marks: Nothing happening yet:)
Sleep: Needing a nap every single day! That afternoon slump is intense these days. Thankfully both boys nap at the same time, so I get some rest daily.
Best moment of this week: Finally over the flu, and no one got it! So, getting back to normal life with my boys!
Miss anything: Feeling good. It is all so worth it, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t mind feeling good.
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings: Arnold Palmers. Don’t ask me why, but i’ve been wanting one every day. And when i’m nauseous they actually make me feel a little better. Weird!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything. All day. Still haven’t actually had to puke, but nauseous all day long. Got some Seabands to see if that can help. My doctor gave me some samples of the newest anti-nausea med that is supposed to be 100% safe. I was desperate, so I tried it. They say a side effect is being tired. Umm, ya- I fell asleep MID conversation two times that day, and took a two hour nap, and went to bed 3 hours earlier than normal. Needless to say, I only took it that one day. I cannot function being 1/2 asleep, so ill suffer through the rest of this nausea if I have to.
Have you started to show yet: Not yet. Except at night I feel like I am bigger than normal!
Gender: Unknow:)
Labor signs: None, and hopefully none for a LONG time.
Belly button in or out: In, for now:)
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Not being nauseous any more. Praying that it lets up at the 12 week mark! Although, I have no idea if it will since this is my first time really dealing with it! Also, cannot wait to find out what this little babe is!