Note to self- don’t even attempt to get an 11 month old to lay still, or even smile, when you want them to! This was the best I could get out of a million photos!
Some things he has loved this month:
-Listening to us sing The Wheels on the Bus song
– Giving people and babies in books kisses
– Waving hi and bye
-Loves walking around with his red wagon and cruises around any and all furniture he can. Pulls himself to standing on everything.
-Now whenever I wear him in the Ergo he loves to be on my back instead of carrying him in the front. Its comfortable for both of us, just a little tricky to get him in there by myself.
-Eats SO much food, and grunts and whines while i’m preparing it in anticipation of eating. This kid is a piggy! He eats a full meal at 8, 12, and 6, with a snack around 3.
-Now has a total of 8 teeth. These last two haven’t been so bad coming in, just gives him some rosy cheeks:)
– Absolutely obsessed with airplanes and birds. Even when he hears them while his bedroom window is open he stops what hes doing, points and goes “oohh”!
-Points at everything hes interested in
-Started cuddling with us this month! You have no idea how happy this makes me. Until this month, he hasn’t been cuddly at all since he was really young. Now he just lays his head down on our shoulders and snuggles..and we all melt.
-Always wants anyone and everyones glasses
-Loves to sit outside and crunch leaves/play with grass
-Loves to drink from our cups, whether it be from our straws or just cups
-Sadly losing some of his arms rolls!
-Loves playing with water..anywhere. Outside with tupperware, water split on the counter, in the bath, etc.
-Learned he can spit food out…fun times ahead for me!
-Always smacks his lips when hes hungry or wants more of what hes eating
-Now takes his baths in the actual tub, not the kitchen sink anymore. Yay for him, boo for me!
-We enjoyed going to the zoo multiple times this month since its been so beautiful out. I put him in the splash pad and at times he loved it, while other times it made him cry!
-Celebrated his first Easter
-Food wise this month we added:
black beans
pinto beans
white potatoes {sparingly}
sugar snap peas
chia seeds
kabocha squash
tried a little bit of watered down grapefruit juice, but still not giving any juices
-To top it all off- HE FINALLY STARTED TO CRAWL. Like real crawl, not army!!!!! I cannot believe it took him till he was almost 11 months, but he finally does it! Its like one day he just decided he was over the army crawl, and now thats all he wants to do! Silly boy.
This month has been so fun overall. Nothing that bad or hard happened, no sickness, just good stuff! I love his cuddles, his excitement over airplanes and birds, and his constant OOoo sounds he makes. We love you so much Bray! Cannot believe that the next monthly update I do is for your ONE year! What a blessing you are. Thank you God.

My kiddos did not real crawl until they were about 11 months either! I though my son was going to army crawl forever. Now they are 13 months and crawl so dang fast it is hard to keep up with them. And yes, the rolls going away is sad, and it keeps happening the more they move. Have a great last month of having a baby. But toddlers are fun too!
He is so stinkin’ cute. And getting so big! I love reading these because our boys are really so much alike, and often what you share is something that comes with Henry in the next few weeks, like clockwork. So fun!
I hope Henry starts kissing soon!
I know you posted this a while ago, but I keep going back to see what Bray was doing at each month my daughter gets older. I hope my little one starts the snuggle stage this month. She will not sit still for seconds with us.