Maternity clothes: bought some this week, but still not wearing any
Stretch marks: None yet, still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. Annoying but I can practically sleep through it.
Best moment of this week: Celebrating a girlfriends bridal shower, getting the future nursery room all cleared out, and meeting with my new doctor- I love her!
Miss anything: wine and beer and doing ab workouts
Movement: None still, really hoping within the next couple of weeks I will. Some of you thought that I might have felt some last week, but they were just below my ribs, not below my belly no way they were baby kicks:(
Food cravings: still oranges and olives
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope- hooray!
Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every day I feel like!
Gender: Unknown, but we find out on Christmas Eve!!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: Getting our Christmas tree this weekend and finding out the sex soon!
But you can do Some ab workouts, right? Just not a half hour of them? You need to keep strengthening the core to support your back and all the extra weight that you will get. I gained 42 lbs with my first. A lot of places have prenatal exercise classes. I think one of the most important exercises is tailor sitting. Sit on the floor with your soles together, knees far apart. Love the updates. Ann
You MISS doing ab workouts??? Now I know it for sure, you are “one of those” perfect people!;) I am just jealous, I wish I actually enjoyed excercise rather than feeling compelled to do it (while pretty much hating every moment) in order to prevent my body to turning more and more to jello with each passing year. You look so cute, I look forward to your updates. I have to tell you, I am very, very curious about what fruits and vegetables you are going to come up with as the weeks and months go on.
Are you still popping pimples and smooshing wrinkles? My work had picked up but this past month that we all thought was going to be busy has been unexplainably and horribly slow.
Ann- yes I can still do ab workouts, just nothing while laying on my back anymore. I am still running 2-3x a week, and doing yoga 1-2x a week. Thanks!
Louise- Haha by FAR not a perfect person. I used to HATE working out, but then I kind of forced myself to run, and it was crazy- I actually began to enjoy it. Im not running as far or as fast as I was before getting pregnant, but im going to keep active for as long as my body feels ok with it! And yes, in later weeks I dont know what ill do about the fruit! It should be interesting:) And YES, its been SO slow this month! I assume because people are spending all of their extra money on Christmas gifts, but man does it stink!
Jane- thanks love! Yes, it is so incredible. I just cant wait to feel the kicks and get the legitimate belly soon!
Susan- thanks! glad you enjoy them, because I love doing them to have them to look back on! <3, Adri
But you can do Some ab workouts, right? Just not a half hour of them? You need to keep strengthening the core to support your back and all the extra weight that you will get. I gained 42 lbs with my first. A lot of places have prenatal exercise classes. I think one of the most important exercises is tailor sitting. Sit on the floor with your soles together, knees far apart. Love the updates. Ann
You MISS doing ab workouts??? Now I know it for sure, you are “one of those” perfect people!;) I am just jealous, I wish I actually enjoyed excercise rather than feeling compelled to do it (while pretty much hating every moment) in order to prevent my body to turning more and more to jello with each passing year. You look so cute, I look forward to your updates. I have to tell you, I am very, very curious about what fruits and vegetables you are going to come up with as the weeks and months go on.
Are you still popping pimples and smooshing wrinkles? My work had picked up but this past month that we all thought was going to be busy has been unexplainably and horribly slow.
Cute post! Isn’t being pregnant the most exciting thing in the world! I lived and breathed it!
Take care of yourself!
You are too cute! I love your weekly updates! 🙂
Ann- yes I can still do ab workouts, just nothing while laying on my back anymore. I am still running 2-3x a week, and doing yoga 1-2x a week. Thanks!
Louise- Haha by FAR not a perfect person. I used to HATE working out, but then I kind of forced myself to run, and it was crazy- I actually began to enjoy it. Im not running as far or as fast as I was before getting pregnant, but im going to keep active for as long as my body feels ok with it! And yes, in later weeks I dont know what ill do about the fruit! It should be interesting:) And YES, its been SO slow this month! I assume because people are spending all of their extra money on Christmas gifts, but man does it stink!
Jane- thanks love! Yes, it is so incredible. I just cant wait to feel the kicks and get the legitimate belly soon!
Susan- thanks! glad you enjoy them, because I love doing them to have them to look back on!