Maternity clothes: wore my first pair of maternity pants to work the other day. Um, I was in heaven! Still don’t need maternity clothes for my jeans, tops, etc. but my work pants were just too uncomfortable to wear sitting down for long periods of time.
Stretch marks: None yet, still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. Annoying but I can practically sleep through it.
Best moment of this week: my older brother got engaged at the end of last week to an incredible woman!!! and J and I got to spend the weekend in Sedona for his works Christmas party. AND I had a great doctors apt. yesterday morning, got to hear that beautiful little heartbeat again!
Miss anything: wine and beer.
Movement: None still, really hoping within the next couple of weeks I will. I can’t wait for that feeling! Although, my doctor just told me that my placenta is in front of the baby, so I most likely won’t feel anything for another couple of weeks..bummer.
Food cravings: still oranges and olives
Anything making you queasy or sick: this weekend I ate so much food, and all of it was super rich foods. I ended up getting sick from it all the last night in Sedona. So miserable! Whoever says you can overindulge during pregnancy must have never eaten as much as I did those two days.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like this week I have had some serious growth!!
Gender: Unknown, but we find out on Christmas Eve!!! SO SOON!! If I had to guess right now what I thought it was gonna be..i’d say girl. I can’t believe next week i’ll be able to fill this one in for sure!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: So many things! Getting our ultrasound on Friday,and waiting to find out the sex with both of our families on Christmas eve night! Christmas and everything that comes with it! Jesus, family, food..all the good things in life:)
Hopefully the anterior placenta won’t be too much of a problem for you. But movement should definitely be soon! If you *think* you feel the baby, you probably do 🙂 It was so funny when you finally announced your pregnancy. Even though you said ‘not right now’, I knew it was coming. Especially after the washer and dryer purchase! I was one of those that said ‘not right now’. That’s because we were trying but it took me 17 months to get pregnant 😉 Enjoy it all. It’s the greatest experience!
You are so adorable, and I just following along with your updates.
Hopefully the anterior placenta won’t be too much of a problem for you. But movement should definitely be soon! If you *think* you feel the baby, you probably do 🙂 It was so funny when you finally announced your pregnancy. Even though you said ‘not right now’, I knew it was coming. Especially after the washer and dryer purchase! I was one of those that said ‘not right now’. That’s because we were trying but it took me 17 months to get pregnant 😉 Enjoy it all. It’s the greatest experience!
These are my favorite posts in blogland. Just think, next Christmas will be completely different. thanks for keeping us up to date. Ann