Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants. Jeans are still good to go, although some require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:)
Stretch marks: Worst thing ever. On Christmas Eve we stayed the night at my in-laws and I didn’t bring my stretch mark oil {here}..guess what happened…I GOT THREE stretch marks on my chest. Worst thing ever. I couldn’t believe that the ONE night I didn’t use the oil I got marks. You better believe I am lathering in that oil day and night now.
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. Annoying but I can practically sleep through it.
Best moment of this week: Finding out were having a baby boy AND J got to feel his kicks for the first time! So incredible being able to share that with him.
Miss anything: wine and beer.
Movement: Finally feeling it!! Sometimes during the day I feel him, but mainly at night when I finally sit down and relax-thats when I feel him the most. I love it!!
Food cravings: still oranges and olives, lots of olives!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: I think this was the biggest growth spurt yet. My belly button even has started to flatten on the bottom. CrAzY!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: New Years Eve! And just looking forward to the 2012 year in general!
Don’t worry so much about the stretch marks. It is hard to believe that you got some on your chest. They seem to go away after. Anyway, you can always get rid of them with Strivectin. It also works on your face when you get older. I can’t see you gaining 42 pounds like I did with my first. After a few kids it is hard to look down at your bikini line to even see the stretch marks! Ann
Congratulations on having a boy. You will have so much fun!
Don’t worry so much about the stretch marks. It is hard to believe that you got some on your chest. They seem to go away after. Anyway, you can always get rid of them with Strivectin. It also works on your face when you get older. I can’t see you gaining 42 pounds like I did with my first. After a few kids it is hard to look down at your bikini line to even see the stretch marks! Ann