Last week I shared with y’all the things that I really found helpful in the first month of Braylens life, and now this is the list of things that helped me immensely. When I say me, I mean either physically helped me, or physically helped Braylen, which in turn helps me:) Hope you find this list useful.

1. Baby Connect Iphone App– Listen people- if you are anything like me {aka type A/worry wart} this app will be your best friend. Every time I feed Braylen I use the timer function on it. This way I can see exactly how long each feeding {even on each side} was, and it puts it all in to charts. Charts that show you timing, charts that show side differences, time differences, etc. You can also track dirty diapers, sleeping habits, doctors visits, everything. I love recording all of our doctor visits with his stats in it as well. ALSO- if you are having to use day care, or your hubby watches the baby a lot, there can be multiple users for the account. Such a great way to keep track of the babys day between care givers. I honestly can’t say enough great things about this..GET IT!
2. Motorola Baby Monitor– This is one of the top video monitors on the market, hands down. The clarity of the picture- day or night- is impeccable. You can scan the camera from ceiling to floor and side to side. You can zoom in. You can make the camera play music just by hitting a button on your screen. You can talk to the baby through your screen. This thing rocks. Also, when more kids come along, you can have multiple cameras used with your one screen, instead of having to buy more monitors.
3. On Becoming Baby Wise– I’ll just say this, Braylen isn’t a born sleeper. Some babies are, mine is not. BUT this past weekend {at 5 weeks and a few days} he starting sleeping 5 1/2-6 hours at night. And he takes four 1 1/2-2 hour naps every day. True story. Also, if you want to do something like Babywise but dont feel comfortable with all the aspects of it {like crying it out,etc.} take what you want from it, and leave the rest!
4. BP Nordstrom Tank Tops– these tanks are fabulous because they are super soft, long, and stretchy. When you are whipping out your boob 7-8 times a day, you don’t want to have to be messing with taking a shirt off, holding it up, etc. I love them, especially because I got mine at Last Chance for $2 each:)
5. Motherlove Nipple Cream– For the first couple of weeks breastfeeding hurts. Those people that say it shouldn’t hurt at all as long as you have a good latch are full of crap. I’m sorry but I don’t normally have someone sucking on me for 2+ hours a day normally, so it hurt in the beginning. This cream is fabulous..and natural. You can totally put it on, and if the baby needs to eat soon after, its fine. No need to be concerned about them having it.
6. Wine..any wine will do;)- Enough said. Just make sure to drink it wisely.
7. Bamboobies– These are fabulous. You can obviously go the route of disposable nursing pads, but you won’t need to if you have these. They are supe thin, super absorbent, and cute. I mean, they are heart shaped! Unless you are wearing the thinest bra and shirt known to man, you won’t be able to see it through your clothes. Best part, you wash them and reuse them. A million times. And never have to spend more money buying disposable. Good for you+good for your wallet+good for the environment=perfection.

I have two children, a boy who is 12 and a girl who is five. I used babywise for my son starting at three months (I didn’t know about it sooner) and my daughter as soon as she was born. All I can is that I have NEVER had problems with them being able to fall asleep by themselves no matter WHERE we are even as babies…its TRULY a LIFESAVER and the ONLY way to survive the first year! Can’t say enough great things about it!
Wow, i really appreciate you reccommending all these items. So thoughtful! Thanks so much!
Hi Adri,
I hope you don’t mind but I referenced this post on my blog, Thanks for all your useful tips. I am excited to start trying cloth diapers soon. I will be referring to your advise, Im sure! Wish us luck!
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