Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants. Jeans are still good to go, although some require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:)
Stretch marks: Worst thing ever. On Christmas Eve we stayed the night at my in-laws and I didn’t bring my stretch mark oil {here}..guess what happened…I GOT THREE stretch marks on my chest. Worst thing ever. I couldn’t believe that the ONE night I didn’t use the oil I got marks. You better believe I am lathering in that oil day and night now.
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. Annoying but I can practically sleep through it.
Best moment of this week: New Years was a blast and i’m loving that I feel baby boy kicks all throughout the day. Oh, and ordering a bridesmaid dress for my brothers wedding..when i’ll be almost 9 months preggo. Haha, should be quite the sight!
Miss anything: wine and beer.
Movement: Loving how much more often they are happening! I don’t think i’ll ever get sick of them, that is until they possibly get painful;)
Food cravings: still oranges and olives, lots of olives!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: for SURE
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: Well I should say that I am happy now. I had a little scare two days ago with some spotting, but had everything checked out and all is well with me and baby! Praise God!. Scariest moment ever, but once I heard that little heartbeat at 159bpm all was well.. So I guess now just looking forward to the fact that we are 1/2 way there. Better get started on that nursery now!
I’ve been following your blog for awhile and was delighted to read the good news. Really enjoying the journey along with you via the pics and updates. Also excited to see the nursery!
So excited for the two of you! Boys are so cool. I too loved those baby kicks. Ozzy was my alien baby being that he would distort my tummy in a major way moving around- my favorite memories of pregnancy. Glad to hear everything checked out okay with the spotting and his little heart is going strong. I had that with all three of my babies. Frightening scary, I know. Looking forward to what you have in store for the nursery… Ozzy is 6 months and I’ve a feeling you’ll get your nursery done before Ozzys :))) Happy 2012! -xoxo
I’m so glad that you and baby are doing well! I can’t wait to see what your nursery is going to look like! 🙂
I’ve been following your blog for awhile and was delighted to read the good news. Really enjoying the journey along with you via the pics and updates. Also excited to see the nursery!
Marjorie Anne
you’re so cute. can’t wait to see you and your banana belly in a few weeks! XO
So excited for the two of you! Boys are so cool. I too loved those baby kicks. Ozzy was my alien baby being that he would distort my tummy in a major way moving around- my favorite memories of pregnancy. Glad to hear everything checked out okay with the spotting and his little heart is going strong. I had that with all three of my babies. Frightening scary, I know. Looking forward to what you have in store for the nursery… Ozzy is 6 months and I’ve a feeling you’ll get your nursery done before Ozzys :))) Happy 2012! -xoxo