Although it is still 107 miserable degrees here in Phoenix, I am already thinking about Fall. Fall decorations, fall food, fall fashion, everything. Actually, as I write this I have my favorite Yankee Candle Pumpkin Pie burning!
One thing of fall fashion that is a must-have to me is scarves. I wish that we could wear them year round here {I think I am living in the wrong state justtt by a little bit}. The other day I found this ridiculously easy Infinity Scarf tutorial on Meet Virgina Design. It looked too easy to be true, so even though I am barely learning the basics of sewing still, I figured I would give it a shot.
Go to her site for the full tutorial, but just so you know, all you need is a yard of fabric, scissors, thread, and a sewing machine..THATS IT!
Are y’all avid sewers, first-timers like myself, or, don’t even want to touch a machine ever?! Do you have any fun {cough,cough,EASY} projects that you have done recently that I could try?
Hope you have an amazing weekend!

Adrianne!! This is just so cute- I love your blog and learning about your fun projects! I miss you and love you!
Cute cute! Come live in San Francisco. We love scarves – year round! 😀
Hey Adrianne!!
I played around with sewing this summer and have loooved all the tutorials on blogs out there…
I messed around with these ones:
I really liked the refashions because I would find something inexpensive to tweak from a thrift store or use something I already had that I just never wear and then if you mess it up its not a big deal!
Hope all is well for you!
You look SUPER cute in this! Way to go!!
Corrie- i LOVE you and miss you too-so much!
Carolina- ummm, can I move there? That seriously is our other choice of places to live!
Kelsey- That is SO awesome that you did those! How did they all turn out? I think im gonna try to do the scarf one soon! Considering its still freaking 105 here!Ugh!
Carrington-Thanks so much girl! It was fun and EASY to make