Today is not a normal post. Today is a post that is very near and dear to my heart, its all about baby Landon. Mine and Js great friends Jason and Kristin had a beautiful baby boy two weeks ago, born at a mere 1lb 6 oz. He is such a miracle baby!! Everything so far is going pretty well for him. As a matter of fact, the mama Kristin got to hold him for the first time a couple of days ago. Now I know that for parents holding your new baby is exciting, so can you even imagine having to wait almost TWO WEEKS to be able to do it!?

With Kristin and Jasons permission I am sharing their blog they started for Landon with you all. I know, and they know, that our God is a God of miracles, a God that shows love and grace and mercy always. With that said, I am asking for any and all prayers for baby Landon. Being born so early can possibly have complications, so I am asking you pray for Landons health above all. Also, Landons early arrival came as a complete shock to Kristin and Jason, so I ask that you pray for them as well. That they can find peace in all of this chaos, comfort from those around them, and love in everything. Here is their blog, and Kristin updates it almost daily!
I cannot wait for Landons 1st birthday party, where we can celebrate just how much he will have conquered in a years time! Thinking ahead much..nah:)

they are all in my thoughts and prayers… what a fighter that baby is already! and what a stunningly gorgeous family.
This post made me teary I can’t imagine not being about to hold my baby, and how cool is it that Melissa was able to capture those beautiful photos! They are in my thoughts and prayers :o)
Wow, thank you so much for posting that and your sweet encouraging words. I am sitting here holding Landon, crying, and feeling so thankful of the amount of love and support we have received. You are a great friend, I appreciate everything you have done for us more than I can express.
Amazing! Such a miracle!! Our prayers are with them!