I have this amazing friend who does it all {I actually have a couple of those, how lucky am I!?}. Kylie is a perfect wife, Modern Manor store owner, soon to be mama, AND is always insanely crafty and creative. Her and her sister-in-law made a crazy amount of cupcakes for their sisters birthday, and I just had to show y’all {and include the recipe links} so you can be as amazed as I am!
Is that not the cutest table set up you have ever seen?! I guess it helps when the person setting it up owns a vintage furniture store;) You’re probably wondering how I managed to keep all of these lovely cakes fresh for so long! A few weeks ago I was reading a website similar to Rachel Reads Ravenously and learnt about the correct way to store cupcakes. These all lasted for 5 days which I’m pretty impressed with! They still tasted great even on the fifth day.
Here is the run down of what was made {keep in mind- these are all mini-cupcakes}:
1. Chocolate / Chocolate Buttercream (brown)
CC{cupcake} – Easy chocolate cupcakes
Frosting- just add coco powder to taste
2. Vanilla / Buttercream (white)
CC – Vanilla Buttermilk cupcakes
Frosting – Vanilla buttercream frosting
3. Marble / Marbled Buttercream (brown )
CC – Equal Parts Vanilla & Choco
Frosting – Equal Parts Vanilla & Coco frosting swirled
4. Vanilla / Raspberry Buttercream (blue polka dot)
Kinda take after these cupcakes :
Basically just make the frosting special by smushing a bunch of raspberries into the buttercream {yum, right?!}
5. Chocolate / Raspberry Buttercream (blue polka dot)
Same as above just with chocolate cake
6. Lemon / Lemon Buttercream (pink)
CC- Vanilla base plus 1/2 teaspoon zest for 12 mini cc
Frosting – lemon zest & extract to taste
7. Funfetti / Funfetti Buttercream (white)
CC- Vanilla base … add sprinkles to both cake & frosting {kinda like these}
8. Cookies & Cream / Cookies & Cream Buttercream (pink)
CC – Vanilla base … add oreos to both cake & frosting {kinda like these}
Thats right, they made 8 different types of cupcakes, and they made it actually be a simple process! They simply used either the vanilla base or chocolate base, and modified with extra flavors. She said that the vanilla buttermilk cucpcake recipe was for sure a keeper!
This is my favorite photo from the day, and is currently my background on my computer. It’s probably a terrible idea to have a million cupcakes to stare at daily, and my waistline agrees, BUT my heart says GO FOR IT:)
Do you guys have any recipes for cupcakes that are must haves? I know some of my favorites are over on Our Best Bites…tell me yours!

Found you from HOH and boy am I glad! Loved your framed antlers and serioulsy LOVE the cupcakes!
If you have a second, please share this (and any other cupcake related post!) at our month long cupcake party:
Hope to see you soon – now off to browse your fabulous blog!!
I love me some cupcakes. It’s great to have some new recipes to try.
I love Barefoot Contessa’s chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. I am too lazy to make them more than once every other year!