If you were to come into our home {not virtually like you already do} and ask where we got this, or got that, our answer usually is..Craigslist. There is definitely a large amount of garage sale, estate sale, thrift store, and auction items as well, but I think Craigslist wins. We love searching for new treasures on it, and once in awhile get super lucky. Last week J found a base to a miners cart like the one in our kitchen, that we got from our friends over at Modern Manor.
He realized that this would be a fun and easy project. When working on long, hard, and time consuming projects, its always nice to throw in a quick/fun one it keep the momentum going {at least thats what he thinks, I just think he’s all sorts of crazy}. He got the base, and bought some old wood off of the seller as well, and built a beautiful cart. It went from this:
To this, within a matter of 20 minutes {yea, J is that good!}
These two photos are before sealing it |
To seal this cart he used a Helmsman Minwax sealer ย {he used our sprayer to apply}. He simply applied the sealer three times, and viola- good as new and stain resistent! FYI- for most other projects, we use this Minwax Wipe-on Poly.
Here is that cart all finished, being used in a staged home:

Since he already had the sealer out for the new cart, we figured maybe it was six months overdue about time to seal our own cart! I was amazed at how much darker the wood came out looking once sealed. I loveee the look of the cart now:
In case any of you were wondering, we are planning on putting something up on the brick wall, just not too sure what yet! But we definitely recognize that it needs something! And to leave you with one of the most adorable images ever…Boomer giving y’all a good shake;)

i love boomer!! great job on your project….i think some subway art on that wall would be fantastic!!!
Love the cart to coffee table idea..my husband and I are looking for a cool piece to transform for our livingroom…as for the brick wall, it will come to you ๐
I love this cart!! I am looking for one just like it!
My question is – when you have something like this cart that has rusty wheels, do you do anything to seal the rust so it does not get on your pretty floors? I have an old scale in my kitchen that is rusted on the bottom, and I am not sure what to seal it with so it doesn’t rub off and stain my granite.
~ Melissa
I love your blog and the cart! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home:)
what sealer do you use? I have a cart as well and wasn’t sure what i wanted to do with sealing/finishing. Thanks!!
Love this so much!!
you guys are too much. i want one of those carts so badly!!! love.
Love the cart, your house and that dog!
your projects are so great- as for the brick wall, it’s kind of neat having nothing on it- a unique clock might be neat though- something with gears showing
WOW, I wish I could do this…
GAH! I seriously want to live in your home. Pretty please?! ๐
I can’t get over all of these DIYs. Love it! I had started to give up on Craigslist, but you have encouraged me not to give up!