A miracle has happened over at DBD. We finally got an actual office chair. And not only does it work beautifully, is comfortable, and realistic…its also great looking!! I read a Herman Miller Mirra 2 review and and I nearly bought one of those chairs, they sound amazing! However I thought our current chair’s colour would go better with the decor so decided to order it. Lets go through some of the chairs I have claimed over the years as my office chair:
For my first ‘office chair’ I used one of our old grey dining room chairs. Crazy looking back at how much our dining room has changed:
In this photo, both the green chair and the tan one in the corner have been my office chairs at some point
And now for my favorite box ever to arrive at our house…Oh how I love my Overstock.com! If you’re the same as me then you can find Overstock furniture at GetYourCouponCodes where you can find discounts and coiupons, saving you money!
I assembled this chair is approximately 10 minutes. Yes people, this is Adri talking, not J. Yes, I am capable of assembling a piece of furniture {lets just ignore the fact that this chair only had about 4 steps!} Here is our new beauty!!
Its a Overstock knock off of the stunning Eames Management chair, and a cheaper version of Crate and Barrels knock off. Now a days there are about a million and one companies that replicate Eames chairs, and I understand why. The Eames chair goes for anywhere around $600-$1,000. The C&B chair goes for $300. Our chair...a whopping $180! And it has amazing reviews, which I always love because that helps me make up my mind 90% of the time!
I am already in heaven now sitting at the desk, and it makes me stay here longer, which I can’t decide if its a good thing. This chair was definitely a good purchase. However, my friend seemed to disagree. She said that an ergonomic chair from somewhere like all33.com would’ve been better, especially because of all the time I do spend in my office. I suppose she does have a point, however, I really like the chair I’ve just purchased. Maybe next time I’ll consider getting a chair that might support my back more effectively, allowing me to sit comfortably whilst working. For now, I seem to be spending a lot of time in this chair. I just pretend that my hours of looking at other blogs and Pinterest are research, which makes it sound official and important;)
Do you guys like the chair? Although our office is not yet finished, it looks so much better now that we have somewhere to sit while working! To be honest, there are quite a few other pieces of office furniture I want to buy. One of our neighbours travels a lot for work and he recently got some office furniture in Brisbane. His new office desk looks so good, I might just have to get one too! Anyway, for now, we have even moved some stuff around because the chair gave the office a new feel that we wanted to go with! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

I LOVE that chair! I looked at the same exact one on their site! So cool!
Very,very stylish. I am currently sitting on a faux brown leather swivel chari from Walmart. Yes. I said it. For along time I had a chippy painted wooden didning chair, that was fine by me (it looked a LOT better than the thing I am sitting on) but no, it wasn’t all that expecially comfy, and husband wanted a “real” desk chair, Hence his trip to Walmart, all by himself. Woe Betide! Dear oh dear. But after umpteenintey years of marriage some things are just not worth making a fuss over. He is happy with the darn chair.
Your chair, however, reminds me that there are attractive and lovely “real office chairs” out there though . . .and I TRY not to think about that!:)
The chair looks great and I am sure is comfy. I have just noticed that you have the same fabulous floor lamp with the black-and-white shade from Target that I do, in my study. My walls are still green, a darker shade though. Will post it some day.
Bri- get it, its amazing!
Louise-haha you crack me up!! Some things arent worth it, your right. But do keep in mind, that chair could ‘accidently’ get a cut in it and need to be replaced..bummer;) I kid, I kid!
Lisa-Fun! Do post!
The chair looks great and I am sure is comfy. I have just noticed that you have the same fabulous floor lamp with the black-and-white shade from Target that I do, in my study. My walls are still green, a darker shade though. Will post it some day.
Thanks for sharing with us..
That’s a cool one, very comfy for sure!
The chair looks great and I am sure is comfy. I have just noticed that you have the same fabulous floor lamp with the black-and-white shade from Target that I do, in my study. My walls are still green, a darker shade though. Will post it some day.