This has been the debate in our house lately. We are needing new pillows for the couch and for the new bed. I have been in love with this pillow from Target for months now:
When I told J that I was just going to try and attempt to DIY it, he brought up a good point. When it costs almost the same price to DIY, should you just buy then? We figured if I had to buy a pillow, buy the yellow fabric, and then take the time to make it..does saving a few bucks make sense?
Even if I ened up making my own white pillow, I would still need to buy all the supplies for that as well. As for us, we ended up buying it. If I wanted to make a pillow super specific, or unique, I think I would DIY. What would you guys do in this situation?! DIY or buy?
PS- the pillow is on a temporary price cut of $5 right now, so if you end up loving it as much as I do, snatch it up now…or DIY-whatever floats your boat:)

Our rule is always seeing how much it would cost to make first then if we can come under the store price (usually by at least $15 so the time is well spent) we try to DIY it. I don’t have any materials or even a spare pillow form so it wouldn’t be cost effective to DIY. For $19, we’d just buy the pillow.
DIY! I’m selfish in saying this because I TOO have picked up that pillow at target about a dozen times and then put it back, thinking I should try and recreate it. I’ve wondered what variations might look like. What if each flower was made from fabric in the same hue but a differnet pattern? It might give it a bit more interest. I’m really asking you to DIY first, so I can get inspired. Selfish? Yes.
I am planning on DIYing this at some point. I love the pillow – but I want to do one in orange, and they only make the yellow. I will let you know the total cost of it… then we can see if it was worth it 🙂
I always look at cost and options..there is so much available at various price points. Just last night I glued some napkins together to make covers to cushions I already own – using fabric fusion and velcro. Will post soon. I am sure you made right decision as yours have a specific raised design-more costly to make.
Buy. For sure. Now if you wanted them in a different color, then you DIY. But if the color is right and you love them, just buy it. They’re still pretty cheap.
And thanks for the heads up, I just bought two!
I know everyone has their own creative style so this is just my line of thinking… if I have the material on hand then I will try to make it myself. I’d go for an all out DIY on it. But, if I had to buy all of the materials then I’d really consider just buying the pillow. I have way too many other DIY projects I could be doing. Besides, when you are done with the pillow in say… a few months (that’s about the longest us creatives can go with the same thing, right?) then you can dissect it and make it a new DIY project! It’s win, win!
I read this and your dilemma and just had to post this link to my cousins blog. She made a tutorial on making this exact same pillow and now you can see how it would appear in another color. The awesome thing about DIY is that nobody else would have that pillow. Especially since this one has become so popular and so many people have it.
Heather- you are hilarious! Thanks to Kristi- she linkedup her cousins tutorial here:
I am on the same page with yall that if I didnt love the yellow then I would have DIY’d it, but i DO love the yellow- so much!!
Lisa- youre so handy! way to go!
Miss cassidy- your welcome, glad you got some at the discounted price!
Amy- so true, I never even thought about taking apart old pillows and reusing!
I totally agree that sometimes it just makes sense to buy it! Especially if it’s a good price and is exactly what you want.
thanks for the tip on the price. I think I might get one!
My sis-in-law makes and sells pillows… here is her etsy site:
she can make what you want pretty cheap, just let her know what you want!
much love,
Jenny Belle
I would just buy it from Target! I know it always feels better to say.. ahhh I made that myself, but honestly, I made a rosette pillow like the Target pillow once(and it only had one rosette from the middle taking up the whole pillow) and it was a pain in the caboose!!
Love your blog, it’s cute! I just made a new one, check it out if you’d like 🙂
This is Amy again from faith4hope2love.wordpress
and, I have that pillow!! I just love it.
I actually had to get my parents to buy it for me in Chattanooga because Knoxville was out by the time I made it over to get one and I was devastated.
*just wanted to share 🙂
p.s. for some reason your blog will not let me comment under my blogger ID… has this ever happened to you before? That is why I keep posting under anonymous… I get frustrated b/c it keeps telling me I can getting the spam code wrong…
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