A couple months back I received an email from This Old House. Keep in mind people, that I get excited about almost any company contacting me, seriously, all they had to do was say ‘HI’ to make me smile. Instead, they asked if J and I were willing to let them feature our Card Catalog transformation. Ummm…of course!! This is the first time we have ever been in print, as in something not read off of a computer screen, as in can physically hold in your hands!! EEKK!
I didn’t want to say anything to you guys about it because we honestly had no idea how big or small the feature would be, so I didn’t want to hype it up! We received three copies of the July issue in the mail yesterday, courtesy of TOH {thank you!!} and I think I teared up a bit when seeing it for the first time. Now I know to some this little feature is no big deal, and it really isn’t…but to us, to us its amazing, and undeserved, and empowering, and humbling, and just incredible. To us, it is huge {yet, still such a small feature;) } Without further ado, here it is:
You know that I am going to be the biggest dork and document every single second of this right?!:
And here is me just being a giddy two year old about this:
As you can see, we are pretty excited! Maybe a little too excited, but hey- it’s the little things in life, right? The only bummer about it was that they couldn’t mention Dream Book Design at all, but oh well. Hope you guys are excited for us, and if not- we have enough excitement over here for 1,000,000 people! Happy weekend loves!!!

that is sooooo exciting, adri! yay!!! you should be giddy as a school girl over this!
Yeah Yeah Yeah!!! So excited for you all! Congrats on being fabulous 🙂
Woohoo!!! That IS awesome! I would be just as giddy if not more! 😀
I’m surprised they didn’t feature more of your fabulousness!!! Yay for you guys!
rock out!! that’s very exciting and i would be giddy, too. you should run outside and yell so the neighbors know, too!
SO awesome! And that’s my classmate from college at the top…small world!
Nicely done! It IS really exciting to be featured – congratulations!
Yup! I get that magazine and saw you right away. Congratulations. Very exciting to be published! 🙂
Hooray! Congrats! That is so fantastic!! 🙂 Ad p.s., you definitely DO deserve it!!!! That thing is absolutely amazing!
I saw this a few days ago when my mag arrived. I was hoping you were planning to post about it.
That’s Awesome! Congrats to you both 🙂
You guys are SO amazing. Seriously! Thank you so much for being giddy and excited with us!! And for those of you that are subscribers to the mag- thats so fun that you saw it and recognized the project! I seriously cannot say thank you enough to all of you for being such a constant encouragement. Love you all!
Oh my gosh, this is SOOOO amazing!!! Congrats and saver the moment… and maybe frame the article 😉
How exciting for you! And well deserved. I think most DIY people over the last forty years wanted a card catalog. The photo of you holding the magazine is perfect. Nice hair, great dress. Frame it. If you can photo shop your husband into it, that’s your Christmas card. Ann
Congratulations on being officially published … next time you might get a guest spot on the tv show !!
Very exciting news! Congrats to you both!
That is HUGE news! So happy and excited for you! Too bad they didn’t show more of your decorating style.
Ummm…this is a HUGE thing! You have every right to be thrilled to death about it! I think I would lose my mind I would be so excited! 🙂 WTG!
Yeah!!!!! You are so stinkin cute by the way! See you soon miss!