Thanksgiving was so great here! It does crack me up though no matter how much you plan ahead, that you always are running around like crazy the day of, and there are some things you just cant control. For instance, running to the grocery store right before people got there to get flowers and few other little things..well turns out everyone else thought the same idea and there were basically no flowers left, and the only ones that were there were ugly. Bummer #1. An even bigger bummer, we got the table completely set up {and it looked beautiful} and then right as my parents walked in the door, it started lightly raining. People- WE LIVE IN AZ. IT DOESNT RAIN HERE! And yet, on Thanksgiving day it did for about 30 minutes. We quickly ran outside, grabbed everything off the tables and put it inside and waited for the rain to stop. We also moved the tables to underneath our grapefruit trees, that way we would have some coverage incase it sprinkled again later. Luckily both J and I loved the way it looked under the trees even more than in the original spot.
The food was all incredible! I did a 24lb. turkey, candied coconut sweet potatoes, stuffing {only using one can of chicken broth instead}, gravy, whipped cream, and the butter moulds. Everyone else brought a million and one dishes, and I was in food coma heaven! We loved hosting it so much, and every else enjoyed it too, so much so that we are going to be the official hosts of Thanksgiving every year.
This was the original spot where the tables were going to go:
The drink station before people got there:
The drink station all broken in:
The table and how it ended up:
Everyone wanting to steal their wine glasses, but I was ‘that’ girl that had to take photos of the table first! Whoops!
Cooking up a storm with my mom, and so proud that J carved the turkey this year. I know that may be totally cheesy of me, but I definitely think the man of the house should do the honor..agree?!
The butter in the shapes of a turkey, leaf, and acorn:)
My love and I:
This is what I looked down and saw throughout the meal. It makes my heart so full seeing both of our families together laughing and sharing stories. Gosh, this is the good stuff. Seriously.
Honey during the day, still full of energy, then Honey and Boomer at night..done for!
Overall, the day was perfect. The next day… felt like I was hit by a bus! Haha, who knew hosting could take so much out of you?! I’ll be back with a post of more of the table decor details! Hope you guys like how it all turned out. And I want to give a HUGE thanks to our best friends over at Modern Manor for supplying us with those beautiful orange Eames chairs. I feel like they totally made the table!

Your Thanksgiving looked lovely! I must say, I’m impressed with your AZ grass! That’s a lot of grass in your backyard! My brother lives in AZ & he has a little patch of grass in his back yard that he’s pretty proud of 🙂 (He lives in Kingman) We’re going to visit him NEXT WEEK! SO EXCITED! Vegas for a few days then his house for the rest of the week! It’s already freezing here in Michigan. Arizona seems like a dream!
What a wonderful day! I think it is so nice when you can get both sides of your family together for the holidays, and I deff think the man should carve the turkey! There are just some old fashion things that should never die!
Your pictures show what a wonderful day it was!! Your table looks like something straight out of Country Living! I really love your pumpkin candles and the butter molds. It’s all in the details!
Sorry about the rain but the table does look fabulous under the trees! Thanks for sharing your family pictures! 🙂
Everything looked just lovely!! Thanks for sharing your entertaining ideas with your blog friends.
I want to be at your Thanksgiving dinner. It was beautiful. Great job with the decor and the photos.
It looks like something out of a magazine – beautiful!
Very Pretty! I love the Orange school chairs & butter molds(so doing that for Christmas dinner)!
Love, love, love your table! It’s rustic and simple, but so pretty. Everything looked perfect! What a wonderful job of hosting you did. Glad you and your family had a fabulous Thanksgiving.
What a great space…love those orange chairs. Glad you had such an enjoyable day…that is what it’s all about.
The table looks so good! You’re lucky to be able to have your dinner outside! I love the idea of a drink station at Thanksgiving- keeps the hostess free from having to get all the drinks!
Love your table and beverage station! Especially love the centerpiece of wood on the table and the burlap cloth. Beautiful!
Love your table and beverage station! Especially love the centerpiece of wood on the table and the burlap cloth. Beautiful!
What a beautiful Thanksgiving! Love that you had it outside.
Everything looks just so “right” if you know what I mean – not fussy, not too much pumpkin type stuff (you can tell we don’t have Thanksgivng down here in New Zealand can’t you?!), fantastic chairs, great style – as you would expect from you two and just think, that was your last Thanksgiving sans baby …… x
VERY nice. you did a lovely job. i love the “drink station!” now that I am an adult, I don’t know why my parents did have one of these at all our family dinners who knows the relaxing turn this could have taken us down. bring on the wine people!!!
You guys are all so encouraging! Thank you so much. As yes, we do have a lot of grass, and its WAY nicer in the front yard than the back, but I thought it would be weird to be sitting outfront with cars driving by:) Glad you guys like all the details- it was just so fun!
looks like you did an awesome job!!