How far along: 29 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th. THIRD TRIMESTER IS HERE!
Total weight gain: Unknown:) Read more about why I changed this here
Maternity clothes: I think I have ONE bottom left that fits, because it is so low rise. Luckily, summer is the season of loose tanks and maxi dresses- so i’ll be just fine:) I also bought a few cute pairs of stretchy shorts that will make me feel better about not wearing constant leggings:)
Stretch marks: Nothing happening yet:) But I am using a combo of old and new tricks to keep them away. The Mama Mio oil I have used with the past two pregnancies has kept me almost completely stretch mark free, so i’m sticking with it. But I am also adding in a drop of Gentle Baby and Frankincense Young Living essential oils.
Sleep: Most days taking a 20 minute nap. Its amazing what 20 minutes can do!
Best moment of this week: All the time up here in Flagstaff. I don’t know what my favorite parts have been. We have just had so much fun here!
Miss anything: Beer. Although Jeremy bought be some Odouls and I treat myself to one every now and then.
Movement: Every day now- and it is SUCH a blessing. She seriously moves around all the time, and I can’t get enough of it! LOVE this part of pregnancy.
Food cravings: Frosted freaking flakes. I don’t know when I will get sick of it, but the craving is still strong.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nada!
Have you started to show yet: Without a doubt!
Gender: A sweet precious baby GIRL!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks are pretty frequent now. My doctor had me do a fetal fibronectin test before leaving because of my contractions, and thankfully I tested negative! Just having to stay super hydrated up here in Flag, because my body is definitely more prone to contracting in the different altitude.
Belly button in or out: Its out, ALL the way now.
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy:)
Looking forward to: The rest of our time up here. Not wanting to go home, ever. Haha. I have loved having Melissa up here for awhile, and then our other sweet friends are joining this weekend as well. We are also checking out Bearizona and a lake this weekend!