Just wanted to fill y’all in on a little situation that happened late Sunday night. I went for a light power walk {since at 27 weeks I had cramping one time while running, so since then its been power walking} and had a Braxton Hicks contraction towards the end of 1.5 miles. I immediately slowed my pace to something resembling a snail, and went home. For the past 3 weeks I have been getting BH almost every night, but never more than 3-4 an hour. And most the time they are so few and far between that I don’t even feel the need to count them. Once I got home from the walk I made us a quick dinner and relaxed. Around 10pm I noticed that I was having more BH’s and that they were super close together. I tried to not think about it and just relax. I was already resting on the couch and practically chugging water {as that is what they say to do to make them stop} but they just kept coming. At this point they were about 2-3 minutes apart. I, being a worried first time mama-to-be, started crying. There is nothing more terrifying in pregnancy than thoughts of something going wrong {ie- preterm labor}.

I took terbutaline during my second pregnancy (almost 30 yrs ago now!) with no problem. My daughter “stayed in” and was perfect!! Kind of interesting to me that the same drug is still in use. It’ll work, but I’m glad you’re nixing the powerwalking!
oh.. i feel ur pain momma. I had bh with both pregnancies. I went in for stress monitoring 2x,s a week because i had sooo many braxton hics. I ended up going 41 weeks with my son and he had to be induced at 41 weeks…3 days later of labor and he was taken c-section. Some people get them alot but dont dilate with them. That was my case. A whole lot of noise and no action…lol. You sound like you are very prepared and will be just fine…lots of luck
I had the same thing happen with me in my 4th pregnancy. I was in the hospital 3 times and finally on bedrest for about a month. And of course, baby girl had to be induced! Ugh! Part of me felt they were completely over-reacting with the BH’s, but I didn’t want to risk having an early baby either.
The funniest was when I finally went in for the induction and the nurse said “wow, you’re already having regular contractions, did you notice that?” Um yeah!! For about 2 months now! ๐
I was anemic with my 5 pregnancies. I had the last 3 babies at home using a midwife. I was so anemic with those babies that, by law, the midwives wouldn’t be able to deliver at home. Sooo, I went to a natural juice bar every day I could and drank FRESH wheat grass–a shot glass full. Seriously, drinking it made my numbers jump FAST and I was able to deliver my babies at home with no problem. I know it sounds weird, but it worked for me. It’s not the most pleasant stuff drinking it straight–it tastes like fresh mown grass smells! Ick. But you can have it put in a fruit smoothie too, which masks the taste. Just be sure and drink it quickly–the best benefits are when it is freshly juiced.
I hope this helps!
I have three children and each pregnancy has been so different. Relax and concentrate on growing a healthy baby.
I was anemic during my third pregnancy. The iron supplements were useless in my opinion (but I took them anyway). I started taking Floradix with Iron. You can find it in your natural food store. Same idea as the wheat grass, but a little more convenient.
Wishing you and your growing family all the best!
so u were told to stop running so u power walk?!? lol well im glad to hear ur ok and yes keep on cooking bubs! As for things to eat to help with ur iron i am and have always become borderline…during my 4 pregnancies….eat lots n lots of baby spinach whether its in green smoothies or loaded up on samishes! load up on mean green smoothies! lol and my other go to food item that boosted the crap out of my iron levels is organic grass fed livers lol chopped minced ground and added to any kid of meat dish for me! to eat their own right ๐ take it easy darl!
I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and have been having the BH too since around Christmas time (also first time mom/pregnant). Over the past two months I’ve had 3-4 day periods where they didn’t want to stop and seemed almost constant. I never bothered to call my doctor and they just went away on their own eventually. My doctor told me I probably should have called him but did not seem that concerned about it since they went away and everything else checks out just fine. I don’t eat red meat so I expected to get a “you are deficient in iron” report early on but did not get it until last week when they told me I have just a very very slight deficiency. I’ve been taking slow-release iron supplements some days and other days just trying to get it through the food. Also, my hubs read recently that cooking with cast iron (which we love to do – makes everything so yummy!) also helps with this!
The only time in my adult life I wasn’t anemic was while pregnant. I cooked everything in cast iron and ate plenty of red meat (chicken was a food aversion of mine). Hypnobabies is fabulous and I don’t think I would have stayed as relaxed if I didn’t have it! Just remember, labor is unpredictable, so go over all the possibilities and be as prepared as you can! ๐
Hey! I am 33 weeks along right now and haven’t had any BH, thankfully, but I am anemic. Because the little guy has messed with my digestive system so much they told me to take Floradix instead of an Iron pill as it is much easier on the system. I am no longer anemic, which is great, it’s working. Also, she said to eat tons of greens. I have been making Kale soups and salads, yum. Hope and pray that things get better, I am sure they will. I just stopped working out this week. I can hardly climb stairs now! Feeling quite out of shape, but whatever it takes for this lil man.
praying for you
Add citrus to your dark leafy greens, it allows your body to absorb the iron from the leafy greens much more efficiently. Think a squeeze of lemon on top of your spinach.
Glad to hear everything is o.k. What a scary thing to have happen.
ps-I did hypnobirthing with my second kiddo. Such a great way to mentally prepare yourself for the big day ahead.
I read your blog all the time. Keeping you and your little man in my prayers.
Glad to hear you’re ok!
Look at supplements with B12,B6, and folate. Herbs like dandelion root, alfalfa, parsley are great too!
One of my best friends had a really tough delivery about a little over a year ago and ended losing a lot of blood and passing out after the delivery. She has awful eating habits, so I know she wasn’t getting the proper nutrients that needed.
I’m actually involved with an AZ based company that has some great products that I take personally and they have made a tremendous difference in my life and health.
Here is a link to the vitamins:
Here is a link to their shakes that are chocked full of vitamins and nutrients like the ones listed above:
Greens are also really important, I add these to my shakes and also drink it throughout the day. I am obsessed with this stuff, I am drinking it right now lol:
Also now that I’ve bombarded you with links, I might as well add one more, this really informative site about holistic remedies to anemia:
Hope you’re feeling better! Let me know if you have any questions?
<3 ~ Hayfa
Hey girl. Big fan of your blog! To share my story quickly, I had contractions (the real one, that were changing my cervix) from 20 weeks. I took procardia around the clock, and did strict bed rest for 5 months (for another issue, but it helped with the contractions) and drank a TON of water. Im talking like ridiculous amounts. Fill up a pitcher in the morning to monitor how much you are drinking.
As for the iron deficiency, I took slow FE iron pills. I also took colace to help the side effects of the iron pills. Of course check with your doctor before starting anything! My OB told me without the pills, had I lost any blood during delivery I would of needed a blood transfusion (something that scared the hec out of me!)
Please email me if you have any other questions, I have a TON of experience with preterm labor. xo.
I don’t have any great advice, I just wanted to say hang in there and good luck. Take it easy- it’s so hard to! but it’s important. Good luck again!
Though I’ve never been pregnant I do know that when I went to donate at the blood bank and was told my iron was too low they told me to eat pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, molasses, and to always combine my iron rich green veggies with iron rich meats. Vitamin C helps the absorption of Iron. Hope that helps. I will add you to my prayer chain.
Oh you poor thing, you must have been so scared. I hope your Mom was available. Now, do everything the doctor says and more. You need to gain more weight. I wanted to limit my weight gain to 30 pounds with my second, but my doctor said, “Diet on your own time!” He said that the baby gains a pound a week the last month or more, so you have to continue to eat very well. Check Dr. Oz’s website for the green smoothie recipes. The advice to eat red meat, especially liver (gag) is 100% correct. You can find anything you need to know on the web. Be careful of any website that sells products. You can figure out your nutritional requirements from google and your doctor’s office. As a pharmacist, please be careful of companies that sell vitamins and supplements outside of drug stores. They often duplicate doses with the different products, and many people do not read the labels. Also, the outcome you want is a healthy baby. You may need more medical intervention than a doctor to catch the baby. Many people cannot go the whole way “naturally” Do what your doctors advise.
kellie- thanks so much! you are the second person to mention the Floradix. Ill be sure to ask my doc about it! thanks again
liana- congrats on being So close!!!! any day now:) encouraging to hear that nothing amounted from all of your BH! and thanks for the tip on cast iron!
meg-congrats on 33 weeks! getting so close! i am for sure going to look in to the Floradix. I already eat a ton of greens, so prob. need to increase my red meat intake! And girl- i feel you on the out of shape thing. From here on out all im allowed is leisure strolls- yikes. But it will all be worth it!
ginger-thanks ginger! i will for sure do this!
jess- thanks so much- it means a lot!
hayfa- thanks so mcuh for all the info hayfa. I actually already take a B-complex vitamin daily, but will for sure look in to all the links you gave me!!
sara- so glad to know your story ended ok! thanks! i am jotting down your email now for future use! hoepfully wont have to use it;)
jenna-thanks girl!!
deborah- thanks for the tips love. will look in to it all! and thanks so much for the prayer!!
ann- it was scarry- but J was such a great support through it! as far as my weight goes, I am actually gaining an appropriate amount, and the baby is measuring perfectly on track. I definitely do need to increase my red meat intake- and am doing that as we speak- tacos:) thanks for all the advice.
I love your honesty and complete open-ness with your pregnancy. I have had two friends who had to go through what you are (the BH – both started at 25 weeks and both were put on bedrest with their first…and both carried to 39 weeks or longer). Pregnancy is a crazy thing (I am in week 33), and it is amazing what our bodies can do. Listen to your body and your instincts and keep that baby cooking! You have lots of people thinking about you.
My midwife suggested Floradix (iron supplement). I took this with my last 2 pregnancies and it helped a lot. http://www.floradix.net/
I am so glad you are planning to check with your doctor about the Floradix. I was eating fresh spinach and cooking in cast iron, but the Floradix helped.
Please take care.
Take it easy little momma……you will be running non-stop when he gets here for the next 18 years. Praying he stays put!
I was anemic in my last pregnancy too. I took the Floradix in pill form. Got it at a local nutrition store. It helped a lot!
Just popping over from a link at Home stories A-Z, interested to read your post because im 33w3d and in hospital right now, under observation for really short cervix and contractions 2 days ago, plus lots of BHs! Think we are very similar gestation, how exciting, but I’m all the way over in Australia! My 3rd baby ๐ will read some more of your blog while I’m resting up at hospital. Taking nifedipine to keep contractions at bay, it’s working well. Hope our bubs keep cooking! ๐
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