Part 1 here
I can literally hear my thoughts in this photo. At this point I was probably saying to J that I couldn’t do it anymore. That I couldn’t possibly handle one more contraction, and that I was not joking about it: {and yes, I realize how haggard I look, but hey- I was laboring for about 8 hours at this point..forgive me;)}
When I asked, “does delta 8 make you high?” (which is what she takes) she said yes it does have those properties, so she tends to take it when the kids are not with her and she has a day off, or she takes a day to herself. But although these treatments would have helped me, I wouldn’t have changed experiencing that pain for anything in the world. It will definitely make me stronger! While I was getting fixed up J was taking in our son and then eventually passed him of to get weighed. He was two weeks early and was still a super healthy 7lbs 7oz, 21in. long! Way to go baby boy!

When I saw that photo of your nurse hugging you, well, here I am at 51, mother of 28 and 25 year olds, and I started bawling.
These two posts are positively divine, and I give to God all the glory.
Just beautiful. Accept my heartfelt congratulations all the way from the Philippines to both J and you! God bless you ALL!
BTW: Who took all the rest of the photos? Did I miss that somewhere?
Okay, you totally made me bawl too! Just to think that I’ll be doing it all any day know seems unbelievable.
You sound as though you did amaaaazingly. I can say that know we’re on our fifth baby!! Well done, you.
And thank you for sharing with us…this was SUCH a great post.
With love from a very teary,
All I can write is, WOW! YOU are so inspiring! Such a beautiful day and amazing story! Congrats again! You just verified that I am going for an all natural birth ๐
So happy for you guys!! He’s is adorable! I have 3 little boys, my first 2 I had an epidural but after the second epidural I knew any other kids we had I wanted to go natural. My third was all natural and was by far my most favorite delivery, and ironically the least painful. It definitely felt more powerful and special going natural than not feeling any of the delivery, not that I don’t think my first 2 were special deliveries, just two different kinds of special. You’re lucky you didn’t feel the urge to push, I did and was only at an 8 but he was coming whether I pushed him out or not. He didn’t even want to wait for the doctor, my husband and nurse were about 30 sec away from delivering him themselves, which would have been even more crazy. Congratulations on your new family and great job momma!!!
Blaylen is so blessed to have you and J as parents.
Thank you so much for posting such a detailed birth story! I’m due in about 4 weeks and hoping to have a natural delivery, as well – this was so helpful! Congratulations to all of you ๐
Congratulations! What beautiful story. It brought back so many memories of the births of my 5 children. Thank you for sharing. May God bless your precious family.
Love this. Totally crying and so happy for you and J! You definitely encouraged me in my desire to (when the time comes) go natural, but I’m a baby when it comes to pain…I’ll just have to remind myself of your posts ๐
awww :3 and so Yay (tears) thank you for sharing and praise the Lord for all that is good.
tears of joy for you and your family!! wow…I’m so, so thrilled you have a healthy baby boy! I’ve got a few months to go and your story was so encouraging!
What a beautiful story!! Thank you so much for sharing! I am due in 4 weeks, so stories like this make me so happy, nervous, excited, emotional…all at once!!
Congrats to you and your precious little man!! ๐
What a beautiful birth story that is all yours! It makes me remember my amazing birth stories and those wonderful first moments with my babies. As a hypnobirth mama, I never felt more prepared for my natural birth than I did when I was doing the materials. Good for you! Enjoy every moment of those first few weeks with that sweet little guy. Congratulations!
What an amazingly beautiful story! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!
So, so happy for you!!! What a beautiful birth. Praise the Lord.
What a great story–thanks for sharing. This really made my day. So happy for all 3 of you.
How great is our God!! It was a joy to read your story. Oh my word, how wonderful! Congratulations! Great job, Mama!! …And I’m also curious who took these pictures, they are wonderful!!
Crying my eyes out at work is not a good look! Thanks guys for sharing .. x
Adrianne – I heard this story already and still SOBBED my eyes out reading it. Kudos to you for sharing the level of detail that you did. You will no doubt encourage other mommas preparing for birthing their babies. Braylen is one blessed little man. (and RIDICULOUSLY cute!)
PS – Happy due date! ๐
Hi Adrianne!
I just found your blog! Congratulations on the arrival of Braylen! What an amazing (and incredibly adorable) little guy! You’re birth story had me at the edge of my seat! But I’m glad he is healthy and bringing much joy into you’re guy’s life. Congrats again to you, J and your family!
-Rebecca Omana
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
I never had a strong and overwhelming urge to push to with either of my three. Think that is a bit unusual. Well, actually, with my third baby I felt about two of those urges, and I thought to myself, oh my goodness, THIS is what the bearing down sensation that everyone talks about, and it was SO STRONG . . . but then it went away! BUT the pushing phase didn’t really hurt for me either, was a blessed relief after those contractions! I think it was harder in one way though, cause I felt I had to do all the pushing myself, my body wasn’t providing me any urge to push down . .so yes, it was a workout!
You really did do EXTREMELY WELL!
i love this story. getting ready to have my little boy. due in four weeks!
Thank you for sharing your story. I am 24 weeks along with our first (a baby boy!) and find your positive attitude great! Would you consider sharing your birth plan? I really want to do a natural birth too.
Wow. Tears. From the moment you announced your pregancy, i have been looking forward to this like crazy. How awesome to share your story in such an intimate way. The photographs are beyond beautiful. Thanks for letting us into the magic.
Thanks so much everyone!!! Our friend Christie who is the nurse took all the during photos! Such a blessing!! I love that I got to share my story with y’all- Im so glad I was able to write down all of the details! Lauren-I can email you my birth plan fig you would like. Just let me know your email:)
Can’t wait to fill y’all in on what our life has been since the little man has been here:)
YAY! What a wonderful birth story with so many miracles. I am so glad that your sweet baby is healthy and you were able to breastfeed him that first day. ๐ What a wonderful birth team and birth. You did awesome!
Best wishes for many happy memories!
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