For the longest time J and I couldn’t decide on exactly what type of book shelves we wanted for the nursery. I thought I wanted some sort of metal baskets, he wanted more on a self with a lip, and then one glorious day in Marshalls…we found them! For the metal baskets I had in mind, it would have required us to cut them to the correct size, while still paying full price for the baskets themselves. Marshalls had these perfect baskets for us, and we almost missed them. J said a lady followed him around the whole time he was there just waiting for him to put them down.
To start we simply measured the wall, and spaced the baskets out equally. We love using painters tape to do the markings:
When we bought them, one was black and one was a brushed metal-look, so we obviously needed to paint them.
We went with the brassiest {not sure that is even a word:)} spray paint we could find:
I want to add little tags in the slots but can’t decide what I want them to say. 1,2,3,etc, or should I have them have actual words? You tell me! Overall, I love the baskets! They hold a ton of books, but even so- if we get many more we wont have room! That’s one of the best problems I can think of having:)

Vintage flash cards for math? reading? colors? animals? cars? nautical?
I LOVE them!!! I like idea of numbers on the tags in a vintage font!
These are awesome! I like Kelley’s idea of vintage flashcards.
Reading to your little guy will be one of the best gifts you give him! 🙂
I love the metal baskets! Those are perfect for the space. For the tags I like the ideas above. A,B,C & 1,2,3 or I saw these somewhere- they are antique gym/school locker tags- it might be cool if you could find some with meaning (date of wedding?, date Braylen was born so #10 etc)
good luck!
love the baskets! and the paint choices rocks.
i like the idea of numbers – maybe typewriter style font.
Super adorbs! They look amazing!
I have the same basket! I used it to demo a way to store diapers, then kept it. I’m planning to spray paint it a bright color and put it in the playroom to store coloring books! Fabulous idea! 😉
These turned out great! Love them in brass and I love how much storage they create.
I think they’re super cool. I’d choose words that describe Bray, or describe how you feel about him for the tags. That way they’re all special. Love the wall color! What did you choose?
Absolutely adorable; I’m going to Marshall’s tomorrow.
Very cute. I think it would be fun to take lines from your favorite book, and use those as the words.
What a wonderful use of space. Not to mention the aesthetic appeal. Great Job!
I hope your okay! And enjoying that sweet baby…….
What a great idea! Love it! Just popped over because you showed up on my BlogHer ad!:)