Obviously I have been saying this every month, but seriously, each month with Bray just keeps getting better and better. This month especially, with all of the holiday fun- we had such a blast with him.
This month we danced a lot. I mean a lot. He gets so much amusement from me dancing, and even more when I dance with him. Any evening that he even starts to get fussy- we dance:)
Celebrating Christmas with him was more than I could have ever imagined..and this is a thing that I know is for sure going to just keep getting better! All he really wanted to do was look at the lights, eat the ornaments and eat the wrapping paper.
The cutest gift he got this year, a baby blue Vespa to match his daddy’s. This rocker is too freaking cute for words. We know he won’t be able to use it for awhile, but in the meantime its cute decoration:)
One sad thing this month brought was teething. The dreaded teething. He got two teeth right around six months, and then he got his top two this month {with one more on the way!}. These seemed to bother him quite a bit, meaning short naps, fussy, waking in the night {which he never does anymore}, etc. I ended up giving him some Ibuprofen before bed a couple of nights and that seemed to help a lot. I hate having to use meds, but all the other tips and tricks weren’t helping in the middle of the night, and I hate seeing my baby in pain:(
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Fussy baby always equals Ergo time |
Were still living at Js parents house and it has been a blast. We are here longer than we expected, but it has been such a blessing. Bray has been getting tons of Nonni time and he loves it!
He also has been getting a ton of time with his cousins on both sides. Poor poor Toby {my sisters baby}, is 5 months younger and all Bray wants to do to him is tackle him and yell at him. Its so funny!
It might not be that he tackles Toby just because hes bigger than him, because he attempts to do it to his other cousin too…and Tristan wants nothing to do with him!
He is trying to become more and more mobile these days. He gets on all fours and rocks, but his main accomplishment this month is his army crawl. He by no means has it perfected, but if he sees something he really wants, he goes after it. It normally involves a mix of army crawling and rolling, but he gets there! I’m slightly terrified of what next month will bring in terms of mobility! I’m not ready for a full-blown crawler.
Food, oh food. This boy takes his meals seriously. I get this pissed off face, yelling, arms going, etc. if I put him in his chair, start preparing food, and don’t have it in his mouth within a minute. It’s so funny seeing the progression that hes made since we started solids. At first he could care less, and even didn’t like most stuff. Now, well now he eats anything I give him and always wants more. This is what he has had so far:
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Green Beans
and the best addition of all, egg yolks. For all of his food I make it in large batches and then freeze them in 1oz cubes. For his meals they look something like this: He gets 3 cubes after he nurses first thing in the morning {around 8}, then gets 1 yolk and 1 cube after his first nap {around noon}, then he gets 1 yolk and 2 cubes before bed {around 530}. I make most of his meals veggies, but he gets around 2 cubes a day of fruit as well. I haven’t introduced any dairy, grains, or anything else yet, but plan to at some point.
This is the pissed face he gives me before getting his food:
And instantly after:
The only gift we got him this Christmas was this walker. It is incredible, so much so that I have to include it in the future ‘7 & 8 month favorites’ post. It took him a few days, but he quickly got the hang of walking in it, and now he cruises everywhere. It still cracks me up when im in the kitchen and hes in the family room, and the next second I turn around and hes right at my feet with a big grin on his face! I just love this thing!
Baby boy,
We are so blessed to be your daddy and mommy. You are such a light in ours and everyone lives. There is no sweeter noise to your daddy and I than the sound of your belly laugh, so thank you for giving it so freely these days. You get more fun to us everyday, and we know that it is only going to get better. The most adorable thing for me to see is when you get the biggest smile and start yelling {his version of talking:)} when you see your daddy walk in the door. I know it makes him feel so loved! We pray you become a strong man of God, that you choose Him first always, that you have an intimate relationship with him always. Thank you for loving us.

He is such a doll, reading about Bray’s monthly accomplishments brings back memories of when my 9 year old was that age…I miss my baby. Hehe
I lovelovelove these updates! I can’t believe how big he’s getting, but am obviously loving watching every second you post 🙂 Enjoy every second with him!
Oh my word. I think this is the most precious baby braylen update you’ve done. He has such a light in every picture and the love you see that he has for you just makes me smile.
he is SO stinking cute!! love these updates 🙂
Love his updates and it looks like such an amazingly to for you all. I loe the Vespa so much. An I’m pretty darn sure tat Henry needs that walker. Looks like something he would adore.
We are going to be in Phoenix next month (Feb. 10 to 15). Let me know if you are available to meet up. I’d love to meet in person.
You and Bray are so stinken adorable! I love that I found you on Pinterest and IG!! And can I just say that all your home remodels and DIYS are Seriously Inspiring and amazing!! I would totally hire you and J lol!!
Thanks Suzy!! Glad you found us. You are too sweet! Hope your day is great