This past weekend J and I left the babe at home and scooted off to explore Palm Springs with our friends who own Modern Manor. We had such a great time shopping around at all the vintage and modern stores, eating way too much food, and just relaxing.
Each store we walked in to was just amazing. Some pieces were right up our alley, while some were definitely a little too crazy, but overall it was amazing.

Um ya, that custom made brass was heavenly…if only we had a spare $28,000 laying around;)

It happened to be gay pride weekend while we were there. The parade was unlike anything we have ever seen.
Luckily we thought ahead and brought our own bikes, which turned out to be the best thing ever. The main shopping area was madness with the parade, but were able to easily bike in and out. We also went exploring through some historic neighborhoods, with incredible views!

Kylie and I couldn’t pass up taking a picture with the amazing Marilyn, its just too bad there was the crazy festival with tacky banners going on behind it. Its normally just a straight shot of Marilyn and the mountain…next time I guess!

Oh and how have I not talked about the food yet. You see, when we go on vacation we plan a lot of our days around where we want to eat. We get recommendations from everyone and hit all the places up! Some of our favorites were Cheekys, Birba, and Trio.

Being away was so good. So refreshing! I think it is incredibly important to get away with your hubby, reconnect, have uninterrupted time together. It was like we were on an extended double date, and it was a blast. We reminisced on the past, laughed till we cried, and made a million new memories. But you know whats so great about going away? Coming home:)
Also, I finally had Rafflecopter choose three winners for the Sauce gift card giveaway- congrats to Ashley, Kelsi, and Janna. I have sent you all emails already, but if I don’t hear back from you within 48 hours, a new winner will be selected.

That last photo is soooo touching.