Last week I showed y’all the fun Red, White, and Blue 4th of July party some local bloggers and I put on together. It was so fun collaborating with those ladies and allowing each of us to really focus in on what we love to do. One of my contributions to the party was a DIY paint stick American flag. I was in charge of providing an American flag and knew I wanted to make something that was traditional is certain aspects, but fun and cheap as well. If you’ve got the room, you may want to look at something like flagpoles to display your flag instead, but this can be a great alternative.
This flag is so fun because most of you will be able to make it with things you already have around the house! Heres how it all went down for me:
-Paint sticks {I went to Home Depot and politely asked the guy working the paint counter if I could have approx. 75 paint sticks and he said YES! Technically they are free, but I would still ask!}
-Red, white, and blue paint. I used spray paint for the red and white, and an old can of blue paint I had laying around from Brays nursery.
-Some sort of backing. Since we do a lot of wood work projects, we just had this piece of MDF laying around. BUT you can either do that, or even use something as simple and light weight as foam board. Whatever is easiest to you:)
-Appropriate glue. I used wood glue since I was gluing my sticks to the MDF.
-Decide on your size of flag and cut the backing to it. I lucked out and the MDF piece we had was a great size for a flag, so no cutting needed!
-Once its the desired size, map out how you want the flag to look. This helps you not only plan it out, but also allows you to know exactly how many paint sticks you need to paint.
-Next, tape off and paint the blue part.
-Then, spray paint the sticks and start adding them to the backing. I glued mine to where there were no gaps left to be seen, so sticks overlapped each other.
-Finally, add whatever hanging method you want to it. We used the Perfect Hang kit and it made hanging this flag a breeze.
I love that this flag cost me $7 to make {the cost of the spray paint}. It took me one nap time as well, which in my world is key!! You could hang this flag somewhere inside the house, outside for people to see while driving by your face, or as a great outdoor wall piece for a 4th of July party! It couldn’t be easier or cheaper to make, so get on it if you are in need of a flag this holiday!

[…] down all the work that went into that party like Party Essentials, to amazing decor like this DIY Paint Stick American Flag, great recipes like Independence Day Melon Spritzer and of course amazing Red, White and Blue […]