How far along: 21 weeks! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 7 lb.
Maternity clothes: Busted out the work maternity pants…freaking heaven I tell ya! I also wore a pair of Asos maternity pants this weekend and they were amazing!
Stretch marks: None yet this time around, and again I am using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. Last time around I got three marks the ONE night I forgot to put it on my chest, so I am not making that mistake this time around!
Sleep: Great! Can’t believe that I am not even waking up to go pee in the night.
Best moment of this week: Celebrating Valentines Day with both my boys.
Miss anything: Drinks..still. Don’t you think the taste of alcohol should sound repulsive when you know you can’t have any?!
Movement: Mainly at night, but I think its because that is the only time of the day that I sit down a slow down! You can see the kicks from the outside now too. Love this part of being pregnant.
Food cravings: PB&Js! Especially since I discovered the worlds most incredible tasting almond butter ever- Barney Butter. That stuff is as smooth as Jiff!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Hooray!!!!
Have you started to show yet: Without a doubt.
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: Just the Braxton hicks.
Belly button in or out: Pretty sure its all out now.
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be.
Looking forward to: The weather is ridiculously perfect here in AZ right now, so soaking it up as much as possible.

So exciting! Hope everything continues to go well for you!