Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants. Jeans are still good to go, although most require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:)
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Great, just getting up once a night to go pee. This week especially I feel exhausted around 4pm, but thankfully get somewhat of a second wind later.
Best moment of this week: On Sunday we went to a new restaurant with friends to celebrate, and it was by far one of the best meals i’ve had. I am still dreaming about the dessert. Drooooll. Oh and having another great doctors apt, hearing the little mans heartbeat! Isn’t it called baby brain or something like that when you can’t remember all. I literally just had to look through my planner in order to answer this.
Miss anything: wine and beer…and being able to run miles at my normal pace. Im thankful i’m still able to run easy, but the slowed down pace is lame.
Movement: Loving how much more often they are happening! I don’t think i’ll ever get sick of them, that is until they possibly get painful;)
Food cravings: still oranges and olives, lots of olives! Also, it seems to be a pattern that after dinner most nights I am eating a bowl of natural golden grahams {the natural part makes me feel a lot better about it;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: I think this week was the biggest growth spurt yet. Even my coworkers were all commenting on how much bigger i’ve gotten. Ca-razy what a week can do.
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy
Looking forward to: Spending some time at a resort with J this weekend<3
So happy i found your blog! just beginning the pregnancy journey and its fun to see moms who are a bit ahead of me! (and i like all the other stuff on your blog too! ) 🙂
Ruthy Ann- So glad your pregnant! Just read your post from back in December, and now you are! My hubby has traveled to Tacoma for some church stuff and loved it there! Christen- So you feel my ‘pain’ then! Yes, I feel like I am going nuts some days. Two times in the past few weeks I have gone all day without putting my contacts in, and havent even realized it till bed time. I have TERRIBLE vision, so I have no idea how i didnt notice all day long that I could see a freaking thing! So funny what these babys do to our brains! Glad im not alone!
So happy i found your blog! just beginning the pregnancy journey and its fun to see moms who are a bit ahead of me! (and i like all the other stuff on your blog too! ) 🙂
I had “baby brain” so bad with my first pregnancy. People at work thought I had gone nuts, I felt like I couldn’t remember anything. It was awful!
Ruthy Ann- So glad your pregnant! Just read your post from back in December, and now you are! My hubby has traveled to Tacoma for some church stuff and loved it there!
Christen- So you feel my ‘pain’ then! Yes, I feel like I am going nuts some days. Two times in the past few weeks I have gone all day without putting my contacts in, and havent even realized it till bed time. I have TERRIBLE vision, so I have no idea how i didnt notice all day long that I could see a freaking thing! So funny what these babys do to our brains! Glad im not alone!