Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants, although I did just buy a bunch of cheap maternity clothes from Old Navy! Jeans require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:) Although I did find one pair of jeans that still fit me! Woohoo!
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee. Found that the body pillow I bought last week is just too big to maneuver, so now just using a single pillow between my great!
Best moment of this week: Celebrating the news that one of our close friends is cancer free! PTL! On a way more shallow note, getting my hair done was great as well, AND getting new windows in the house.
Miss anything: wine and beer…and being able to run miles at my normal pace. Im thankful i’m still able to run easy, but the slowed down pace is lame. Honestly though, just so thankful to be pregnant with a healthy baby, so i’ll take the pregnancy over the ‘missing things’ any day.
Movement: His movements are so crazy now. I seriously feel like sometimes he is shoving his whole butt against my belly button, it looks super creepy, yet totally amazing!
Food cravings: The natural golden grahams cereal craving has taken over..still:) Through this whole pregnancy I have had to force myself to eat meat, which is weird because I am a total meat girl..
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: For sure, I love it! Had my first complete stranger this week casually ask ‘how I was feeling’, so im glad people know without a doubt its all baby now!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: That bad boy is starting to creep out..
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them..which I am trying to do more these days.
Happy or moody most of the time: So happy
Looking forward to: Celebrating a great girlfriends wedding this weekend! And my routine apt. next week.
Ahhhh, amazing! Your belly is getting so big [and adorable]!
Oh my goodness, looking at that photo I realized you are pregnant!!;):)
You are so lucky not to be throwing up all the time. I was sick as a dog, all day long every day, for the first five months with all three of my children.
Kira- thank you:) Meg- yes, it is indeed getting big! I love it!! thanks love Louise- glad you FINALLY noticed;) And yes, I am so so thankful to have had such an easy pregnancy, fingers crossed it just continues! Sorry yours werent so easy:( Anna- Yay- so glad you found me then! Great minds think alike right?!!
I was the exact same way! I couldn’t eat meat at all. I had a girl, though. ๐ She was NOT a fan of chicken for sure, and all other meat I just couldn’t stomach much. GOOD LUCK! You look adorable!
I love ur pregnancy photo up dates so gosh darn cute! What a great idea ๐
Ahhhh, amazing! Your belly is getting so big [and adorable]!
Oh my goodness, looking at that photo I realized you are pregnant!!;):)
You are so lucky not to be throwing up all the time. I was sick as a dog, all day long every day, for the first five months with all three of my children.
Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog, and I’m sure glad I did!
It is refreshing to find someone in phoenix with awesome taste! Your house is gorgeous, you like Last Chance and you love a good Goodwill deal!
Kira- thank you:)
Meg- yes, it is indeed getting big! I love it!! thanks love
Louise- glad you FINALLY noticed;) And yes, I am so so thankful to have had such an easy pregnancy, fingers crossed it just continues! Sorry yours werent so easy:(
Anna- Yay- so glad you found me then! Great minds think alike right?!!
I was the exact same way! I couldn’t eat meat at all. I had a girl, though. ๐ She was NOT a fan of chicken for sure, and all other meat I just couldn’t stomach much. GOOD LUCK! You look adorable!