Maternity clothes: Still just the work pants, although I did just buy a bunch of cheap maternity clothes from Old Navy! Jeans require the hair-tie trick. I love that trick:) Although I did find one pair of jeans that still fit me! Woohoo!
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee.
Best moment of this week: Our good friends wedding this weekend and celebrating Valentines day<3
Miss anything: being able to eat without having acid reflux an times guys!
Movement: His movements are so crazy now. I seriously feel like sometimes he is shoving his whole butt against my belly button, it looks super creepy, yet totally amazing!
Food cravings: The natural golden grahams cereal craving has taken over, and olives of course. Through this whole pregnancy I have had to force myself to eat meat, which is weird because I am a total meat girl..
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Foorrr suuree
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: none, it will be crazy when I say yes to this.
Belly button in or out: The top half of my belly button is out, bottom half is kinda flat- it cracks me up!
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them..which I am trying to do more these days so I don’t look a hussy;)
Happy or moody most of the time: So happy
Looking forward to: my doctors apt. today! Hoping everything is looking perfect:)
I am sorry, I just CRACKED UP! Sitting here chortling to myself now with my muttoodle looking at me like I am a crazeee lady. HEAD OF LETTUCE?? Ha ha. Don’t quite know why that strikes me as so funny . . .but we are reaching/getting a bit creative now, huh??:-)
You are looking lovely as always. My diagnosis: Definitely Pregnant.
I am sorry, I just CRACKED UP! Sitting here chortling to myself now with my muttoodle looking at me like I am a crazeee lady. HEAD OF LETTUCE?? Ha ha. Don’t quite know why that strikes me as so funny . . .but we are reaching/getting a bit creative now, huh??:-)
You are looking lovely as always. My diagnosis: Definitely Pregnant.