How far along: 29 weeks pregnant! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 13 lb.
Maternity clothes: Most bottoms now are maternity or a size or two up. Some shirts are fitting ok still, but its mostly baggy ones, extra long ones, or simply maternity.
Stretch marks: Still that one by my old belly button ring scar, and it hasn’t changed at all- so i’m holding out hope that it might stay small! Maybe its wishful thinking!.I am still using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. BUT HOLD ON! A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $45, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $68! What?!!!!!!!!!! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}!
Sleep: Pretty good this week. Reflux is still bad, so trying to sleep kind of propped up, which is not my favorite.
Best moment of this week: It seems like our weekdays are so busy, so I feel like weekends are when I focus the most on being in the moment. We had a great family date night on Friday, then on Saturday we celebrated our anniversary! I am so lucky to be married to that man! Also, found out I passed my gestational diabetes test and am boy anemic this pregnancy. Don’t know if it’s me using different prenatals this time or what, but glad I’m not anemic again. QUESTION- have any of you ever had your doctor say your blood sugar levels were actually out of the normal range, but on the low side-not high! I guess the normal range starts at like 65(being a normal but low number) and mine was 63. They aren’t worried but thought it was weird. I do know some friends who have had blood sugar problems and they just used things like cbd edibles to do this, but I would not want to start on that until I wasn’t pregnant anymore. So I would LOVE any of your input! Also-more tips of acid reflux/heartburn is greatly appreciated!!
Miss anything: Not having the dreaded reflux, and beer. Oh I miss a nice ice cold Sunbru.
Movement: Non-stop. I dont remember Bray moving this much!
Food cravings: The Stand chocolate milkshakes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Coffee seems to make my reflux worse, so trying a cold brew method this week.
Have you started to show yet: Large and in charge.
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: Just the Braxton hicks.
Belly button in or out: Its all out
Wedding rings on or off: On:)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be!
Looking forward to: Easter with Bray and the family. I love holidays with kids SO much.

All three times I was pregnant, I had AWEFUL reflux. To the point of making me vomit. I had to be put on Prilocec. If you haven’t talked to your OB about it, you should. It totally works. Also, the chewable alka seltzer antacids are the BOMB, and they taste like skittles!
My reflux was terrible, my OB had me take Prevacid and it was amazing! I tried really hard to avoid taking anything but once I hit about 34 weeks I couldn’t take it anymore and after taking Prevacid I was upset I hadn’t taken it earlier. Also, caffeine can make reflux worse. Caffeine relaxes the sphincters in our body, so the sphincter that usually keeps stomach acid in the stomach isn’t able to fully close. I gave up caffeine completely and it helped a little bit but the Prevacid is really what did the trick. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice Megan. Just started taking Prilosec today, and its already like a freaking miracle drug:) I really wanted to be able to make it through this pregnancy without using meds for it like I did with Bray, but it was freaking miserable!! Thanks for your help:)
My doctor called me after my gestational diabetes test and asked me if I felt ok because my blood sugar levels were so low too! The thing is, I tend to eat a lot of sugar (or so I thought). Craziness! I was pregnant around Halloween, so I bought a bag of candy corn to celebrate my low numbers! 🙂
Kelsi, I am a TOTAL sugar lover- so its ironic that you and I both had this same thing!! Good call on celebrating with more candy:)