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Excuse the terrible writing, I had to re-write this about 3 times because he kept squirming and rubbing it all off:) |
- He is now in love with books. Even if it is simply photos and no story with it, he is totally captivated! I hope is a bookworm like I am. He loves looking at other babies faces, bright colors, and one of his favorites is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
- He met more of his friends this month. Jaxons mama and I were in a small group together for about 6 years, and the boys are 6 days apart. Love it! And I promise they actually enjoyed hanging out and making baby talk, even though the picture does not portray that at all;)
- This is mamas best friend! This little play gym is the best thing ever. It keeps him entertained for up to 30 minutes, the raised sides keep the dogs from constantly wanting to use it as their blanket, and it gives him great stimulation. I love just hearing him babble away and giggle while in there.
- I already posted all about, but again, we went on our first family vacation to California. It was heavenly. And..Braylen slept through the night for his first time ever while there. We all took the relaxing mode seriously apparently;) His schedule now is 7,10,1,4,7, a DF at 10ish, and then we start our day again at 7. He stopped taking a middle of the night feeding around 12 weeks. I still have to put in his paci every now and then in the night, but its awesome not having to fully ‘wakeup’ anymore!
- This is my sweet happy boy at his three month appointment. We went in for this apt. because I divided up his two month vaccines in to two visits. He handled the first round of shots at two months so well that I was not nervous about this round at all. Well, I was wrong. This photo is before the shots…
This photo shows what I had to do the rest of the day to keep him content. Those shots totally rocked him:( He had a little temp, couldn’t fall asleep easily like he normally does, and was just in general super fussy. Definitely not looking forward to our next rounds:(
- This is what we do for a good chunk of the time while hes awake. This boy loves nothing more than to be on his changing table, preferably with no diaper {or clothes for that matter} on. We just chat and smile and giggle, and its my favorite.
- He went in his ‘big boy’ stroller seat for the first time this month! Still probably a little small for it, but I felt like it would keep him cooler than his car seat for our little stroll. Oh how I long for the day that it is nice outside and we can go on walks and runs every day.
- He went on his first bike ride:) While in Cali, the whole family went on a bike ride and we were kinda stumped as to how to include Bray. He is too small for a trailer or bike seat, but putting his car seat in a large basket..perfection! He slept the whole time:):)
- Lame to have this be a bullet point, but it was so fun being able to put him in warm clothes for the first time. Again, I just cannot wait until its cooler here. Hats, adorable pants, fun socks, so many good things in our future! This was him on our daily morning run while in Cali.
- He still loves bath time and our front porch time so much. Every night he takes a fun bath {which he is kicking and squirming around so much more now} and then we go and relax on the front porch for about 15 minutes and he warms up. I am clueless as to what I am going to do once its too cold for this. Any ideas?
- This isn’t a first, but it is incredible nonetheless! He looks like a freaking angry baby, when in reality he is just mid-yawn. Possibly one of my most favorite photos. Makes me crack up every time I see it.
- Another new thing this month, growing out of all of our clothes. Seriously, this boy means business in the weight gaining department. There are some 6month clothes that don’t fit him anymore. Worst part of it is that I didn’t even try on some of those clothes on him until a few weeks ago, silly me- never try the clothes sizing system.
- This month both grandmas have loved interacting with him. I swear he gives them some of the best smiles and giggles ever.
Baby boy,
We love you so much. It has been the biggest blessing being your mama. I get so excited every day just waiting to see more and more of your personality come out. Your smile, giggle, and hugs are the.best.thing.ever. As happy as I am that you are sleeping through the night, I also am so happy when I get to see you again every morning. Love you.

Also, check out Scottsdale Moms blog later this morning for some tips on my sisters DIY baby shower!

Such cute pics and I am glad everything is going so well over your house! That pic from his play date and his yawning pic just cracked me up pretty good, so thanks for that!! 🙂
One thing I did with my daughter to help with her shots was I only let her get 1 at a time when she was that young and then just made a followup nurse appointment for a couple weeks later to get the other shot. She never was fussy or had a fever afterwards so that worked for us!
He is so adorable… glad he’s doing so well!
He is such a cutie. His yawning picture is cracking me up. Glad everything is going so well.