‘They’ tell you that it fly’s by. To not blink, because before you know it they won’t be little anymore. And you know what- ‘they’ are right. My sweet, little, pudgy baby Braylen, well- he’s now three. I don’t know why, but three just seems SO much older than two, doesn’t it?
My words cannot do him justice, and I assume that they never will be able to. He is my sweet spirited, kind hearted, lover of a little man. He is a hippy at heart with his laid back nature, and a lover of all things. He is a protective older brother. A tender little son. And a fabulous friend to those he loves. He says the funniest phrases, and totally knows when he is being funny. He loves to play outside {out-yide is how he says it}, so when he’s older I’m planning on organising something similar to this Mobile Nerf Party Honolulu party for him. He also loves any and all food – all the time, and going to the park. He loves being around other kids, even if he sometimes plays by himself while there. He loves cars, lots and lots of cars. He loves to push around any toy possible, no worries if its a stroller:) He loves to hang out with all of his grandparents, and he asks to go to Papas house 24/7.
I think if I could plan the ultimate perfect day for Braylen it would start with donuts and milk while watching Bubble Guppies. Then going to a park that has a ton of other kids toys, specifically cars and tractors to play with. Then we would go to lunch at either Chic Fil A or Chipotle. We would still take a nap, because this kid seriously loves his sleep {thank God!}. Then we would have all of our family and friends over and have pizza and a juice box, finishing it with ice cream. Lots of friends, lots of food, thats the way to this sweet boys heart.
For his birthday party this year we kept it as simple as possible. We went to his favorite park, a train park. We brought a mass amount of donuts, coffee, and juice and chocolate milk for the kids. I put up balloons, a plastic tablecloth, and the party favors were sidewalk chalk. So simple, and yet it was perfect and so fun! The kids were able to run around like crazy, play at the playground, and we finished it with a group train ride, then a donut cake and presents like ghostbusters toys.
Oh Braylen, you won our hearts over the day you were born, and continue to do so daily. Your dada and I find ourselves constantly glancing over at each other while with you- and we just know what the other is thinking. Thinking how proud of you we are. How proud of the heart you have. How proud of the way you treat your brother and others. How proud we are to call you ours. Our first baby. We love everything about you sweet boy, and we pray that your core never changes. Of course we want you to grow and change, but we pray that your core- your precious and tender heart- stays that way forever. Yes, you are the size of a linebacker, looking at least 5 when you are only 3, but you are the ultimate teddybear. You make us proud. You make us so so proud.

Happy birthday Bralen! Mommy love your heart. No wonder your first born has the tender heart he does.
You are so sweet Peggy! thank you!!