How far along: 31 weeks pregnant! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 16 lb. {apparently going to a blogging conference where you eat cookies and candy every waking moment makes you gain 2lbs;) }
Maternity clothes: Most bottoms now are maternity or a few sizes up. Some shirts are fitting ok still, but its mostly baggy ones, extra long ones, or simply maternity.
Stretch marks: Still that one by my old belly button ring scar, and it hasn’t changed at all- so i’m holding out hope that it might stay small! Maybe its wishful thinking!.I am still using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. BUT HOLD ON! A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $45, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $68! What?!!!!!!!!!! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}!
Sleep: Sleeping at the conference this weekend was terrible. Sharing a queen size bed with someone else {my sweet roomie Kimber from The Pinning Mama} was not exactly fun while pregnant, as much as I loved her!
Best moment of this week: Attending SNAP. It was so fun!
Miss anything: This week I feel like my energy has really started to fade, so I miss feeling like myself in that regard.
Movement: Non-stop. And I dont know why but this little guys movements have actually been painful to me this week, so hoping that doesn’t continue.
Food cravings: The Stand chocolate milkshakes…and doughnuts. Always.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet: Large and in charge.
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: Just the Braxton hicks. I also got checked at my 30 week appointment because of some uncomfortable contractions I had, and everything looked great! So thankful to not have any progress.
Belly button in or out: Its all out
Wedding rings on or off: On:)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be!
Looking forward to: My very best girlfriend is getting married this weekend. I cannot even believe it. Melissa is going to make the most stunning bride everrrr.

Hahaha! I feel the same! Loved being roomies but I think I am too old to share a bed!
I loved meeting you at Snap to ride the Trax together! I wish we would have been able to chat more. I am impressed you went to the conference pregnant. That would have been out of the question for me when I was pregnant with my two because I was so terribly sick. Love your blog by the way!
Thanks so much love! I loved meeting you too. Not gonna lie, it was WAY harder to do the conference with full energy while being 31 weeks pregnant. Off to really check you out now too:)