Total weight gain: gained 20 lbs total. holy crap! At least they now say that for every lb. I gain in these next weeks, 1/2 of it goes to him! Phew;)
Maternity clothes: Still able to wear most tops, but pants these days are either workout pants, leggings, or maternity.
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Still getting up every night to go pee and now it has escalated to twice a night..oh joy;)
Best moment of this week: My family baby shower on Saturday. This baby boy got showered with love and presents!
Miss anything: Exercise {other than casual walks and yoga}, beer and wine. But the things I get to experience now completely outweigh those:) That being said, once my baby is born, I will certainly be taking yoga a lot more seriously as I have thoroughly enjoyed learning a whole variety of new postures during this pregnancy. Plus, before I had to take things more easily, I was considering a yoga teacher training course that I found on Needless to say, I will certainly be taking a second look to get some plans into motion once the baby is here!
Movement: all.the.time. I think I even made out that I was feeling an arm yesterday!
Food cravings: Been wanting a lot of pineapple, cantaloupe, and unfortunately soda {trying my hardest to stay away from that one!}
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I can’t believe I still have 8 more weeks of growth to go!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Just the contractions, although my doctor said they havent done anything to ‘change’ whats going on down there yet, praise God! Loving my Hypnobabies homestudy still!
Belly button in or out: The whole thing is out now..and I find it hilarious
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them..which I am trying to do more these days so I don’t look a hussy;)
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy. Happy that he is in there cooking away, and praying it stays that way!
Looking forward to: My friend baby shower this weekend. Also, praying that the results of Boomers tumor come back perfect- so looking forward to great results for him:)
awww dont u just look gorgeous! u just watch how beautiful that belly grows in these next 8 wks! its amazing…