Total weight gain: gained 20 lbs total. holy crap! At least they now say that for every lb. I gain in these next weeks, 1/2 of it goes to him! Phew;)
Maternity clothes: Still able to wear some tops, but pants these days are either workout pants, leggings, or maternity. Can’t wait to wear all of my jeans again some day!
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}
Sleep: Good. Starting to really feel the 3rd trimester tiredness- it’s no joke.
Best moment of this week: My friend baby shower on Sunday. This baby boy got showered with love and presents! AND finding out that our sweet Boomers tumor was not cancerous.
Miss anything: Being able to be really productive and active without worrying about having too many contractions
Movement: all.the.time.
Food cravings: Been wanting a lot of pineapple, cantaloupe, and still olives.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I can’t believe I still have 7 more weeks of growth to go!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Just the contractions, although my doctor said they havent done anything to ‘change’ whats going on down there yet, praise God! Loving my Hypnobabies homestudy still!
Belly button in or out: The whole thing is out now..and I find it hilarious
Wedding rings on or off: On, and honestly starting to feel a little snug- could be the warmer weather though too.
Happy or moody most of the time: Super happy. Happy that he is in there cooking away, and praying it stays that way!
Looking forward to: Now that we have had our showers, I am really looking forward to just buying all of the stuff we still need so we can feel more ‘ready’. Also, meeting with our doula for the first time this week! And, this weekend is my future sister-in-laws bridal luncheon. Busy, busy, busy!
I am SO GLAD to hear that Boomer’s tumor is non cancerous!! That is reason to celebrate!! Also, you look great at 33 weeks!! YAY! Keep cooking away little boy 🙂
Tricia- I know- best news ever, right?! So happy I have a healthy little pup! And thanks for the compliment:) He just needs to stay put for AT LEAST 3 more weeks:):) Anon- I know, thank you!!
I am SO GLAD to hear that Boomer’s tumor is non cancerous!! That is reason to celebrate!! Also, you look great at 33 weeks!! YAY! Keep cooking away little boy 🙂
Great news about Boomer! What a relief.
I know- best news ever, right?! So happy I have a healthy little pup! And thanks for the compliment:) He just needs to stay put for AT LEAST 3 more weeks:):)
Anon- I know, thank you!!
Happy news re Boomer x