How far along: 33 weeks pregnant! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 17 lb.
Maternity clothes: Bottoms now are maternity or a few sizes up {I have two pair of pants that still fit but ONLY because they are stretchy jean material and are super low rise}. Some shirts are fitting ok still, but its mostly baggy ones, extra long ones, or simply maternity.
Stretch marks: I am still using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. Also- A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $45, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $68! What?!!!!!!!!!! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}!
Sleep: This week has been miserable. Taking forever to fall asleep and waking up usually twice to fun. I truly hope this doesn’t continue for the rest of the pregnancy.
Best moment of this week: I hosted my sisters Sip N See and Brays 2nd Birthday party this past weekend! Then Mothers Day. It was all so fun, such a blessing, and also a little tiring;) I just cannot believe that my baby is TWO now!
Miss anything: Having more energy, and this week I feel like the belly has gotten in the way of a lot of things…like getting up easily, rolling over, you know- little things;)
Movement: All the time- AND I found out at my 32 week appointment that he is measuring a week ahead, so that seems to make sense for how massive and {sometimes painful} his movements are.
Food cravings: Haven’t been able to get enough of Watermelon. Don’t know if its how hot it is outside or a prego craving, but either way every week Bray and I devour a whole Costco size watermelon. And drinking Arnold Palmers..yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet: Large and in charge. And my gym just told me that the child care center is not open the month of May, so probably going to be getting even more large and in charge;)
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: Just lots of Braxton hicks. Just got checked at my 32 week appointment and still no dilation but I am effaced to 20%. Baby is also measuring a week ahead. Nothing to be concerned about, but definitely interesting.
Belly button in or out: Its all out and I feel like pokes out of clothes more this time around than last
Wedding rings on or off: On:)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be!
Looking forward to: My babys Sprinkle on Tuesday!! And being a bridesmaid in my friend Britts wedding up North this weekend. Yet again, what a great week! This month rocks.
{PS this post was written on Monday}

Are you a hypnobabies affiliate? I’m planning on purchasing for this pregnancy and I only know about it because of you. You might as well make the 15% commission if you are 🙂 Can you send me your affiliate link if you are?
You are sweet. I am not, so go ahead and purchase wherever:)
Okay, thanks! 🙂
I just realized I just assumed Bray is a girl! I thought you wrote it somewhere but when I went back to it I couldn’t find it anywhere. I hope I didn’t insult you. If Bray is a boy, please forgive me for the mix up. It’s an unusual name , fit for either sex. I like it! Now you’ll have to let me know if I’m wrong or right! We are going to be friends, I think. We both admire your work! ‘Til nest time, lisa
You are so funny lisa! Bray is a boy, but no worries on the mixup:) I am so glad you like the flip so much- we honestly had a great time doing it and hope to do another soon. I am excited to give Bray a little brother to play with soon, its about to become madness over here;)