Maternity clothes: Still able to wear some tops, but pants these days are either workout pants, leggings, or maternity. Can’t wait to wear all of my jeans again some day!
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. I swear, that oil especially, is the best stuff EVER!
Sleep: This week was a little rough. Some nights I was even getting up 4 times to go pee..and I wonder why I get tired in the middle of the day!
Best moment of this week: It has been a week {really a month} of celebrations. Bridal luncheon this past weekend, and celebrating my brothers 30th bday last night. Also, reading that if our little man were to come today- as long as he didn’t have any other health problems, he would most likely be totally fine! So relieving to hear that.
Miss anything: Being able to be really productive and active without worrying about having too many contractions
Movement: all.the.time.
Food cravings: Been wanting a lot of pineapple, cantaloupe {ironic for this week!}, and still olives.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I can’t believe I still have 6 more weeks of growth to go!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Still lots of contractions, but taking it easy. Loving my Hypnobabies homestudy still!
Belly button in or out: The whole thing is out now..and I find it hilarious
Wedding rings on or off: Umm..sadly yesterday I tried to put it on and it wouldn’t make it past my knuckle. Really hoping it was just a random swollen day, but might be time to say bye to it for awhile:(
Happy or moody most of the time: Insanely happy!
Looking forward to: Celebrating 4 years of marriage to my amazing hubby, being in my brothers wedding this weekend {yep- about one week shy of being 9 months a bridesmaid!} and hopefully making lots and lots of progress on the nursery this coming week..were running out of time!
Oh I remember those days/nights of feeling like I should just sleep in the bathroom because I was up so many times to pee! Good thing is I totally swear it kind of trained me for the interrupted sleep and night time feedings the occured once the little bundle of joy arrived :). I love how you are documenting everything – wish I would have been that organized when I was prego. Good luck and congrats in advance!!
that oil really is amazing! i had a few stretch marks from a scar that happened during my first pregnancy & this oil kept them from getting any worse during my second pregnancy, too bad i didn’t know about it the first time around i don’t think i would have gotten any. thanks for sharing it’s the only thing that kept me from being itchy and i tried a ton of things the first time around. my skin felt great! i also had a baby boy (he came at almost 37 weeks) after a couple bouts of preterm labor. he is now 2 1/2 weeks old it’s the sweetest thing, enjoy every moment they grow so VERY fast. Good luck and congratulations 🙂
ugh gettin up to pee all the dang time…. here i am 9wks preg and i too am up constantly gettin up to pee UGH we just found out a couple wks ago but didnt wanna say n e thing..this will be my 5th pregnancy but i miscarried 2 angel babies and then was blessed with such a gorgeous rainbow baby 10months ago! U r looking healthy darls! ur colouring is lookin lovely ur iron lvls must be good!
I had my baby at 34 weeks. She was tiny but I had the steroids in time and her lungs were developed. It was still hard, she had to stay in the hospital for a month to gain weight and it took another month after that before she latched. Totally worth it though. Take it easy. If you can afford it, I would put myself on bed rest just to keep him in there as long as possible.
Oh I remember those days/nights of feeling like I should just sleep in the bathroom because I was up so many times to pee! Good thing is I totally swear it kind of trained me for the interrupted sleep and night time feedings the occured once the little bundle of joy arrived :). I love how you are documenting everything – wish I would have been that organized when I was prego. Good luck and congrats in advance!!
that oil really is amazing! i had a few stretch marks from a scar that happened during my first pregnancy & this oil kept them from getting any worse during my second pregnancy, too bad i didn’t know about it the first time around i don’t think i would have gotten any. thanks for sharing it’s the only thing that kept me from being itchy and i tried a ton of things the first time around. my skin felt great! i also had a baby boy (he came at almost 37 weeks) after a couple bouts of preterm labor. he is now 2 1/2 weeks old it’s the sweetest thing, enjoy every moment they grow so VERY fast. Good luck and congratulations 🙂
ugh gettin up to pee all the dang time…. here i am 9wks preg and i too am up constantly gettin up to pee UGH we just found out a couple wks ago but didnt wanna say n e thing..this will be my 5th pregnancy but i miscarried 2 angel babies and then was blessed with such a gorgeous rainbow baby 10months ago! U r looking healthy darls! ur colouring is lookin lovely ur iron lvls must be good!
I had my baby at 34 weeks. She was tiny but I had the steroids in time and her lungs were developed. It was still hard, she had to stay in the hospital for a month to gain weight and it took another month after that before she latched. Totally worth it though. Take it easy. If you can afford it, I would put myself on bed rest just to keep him in there as long as possible.