How far along: 34 weeks pregnant! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 19 lb.
Maternity clothes: Bottoms now are maternity or a few sizes up {I have two pair of pants that still fit but ONLY because they are stretchy jean material and are super low rise}. Some shirts are fitting ok still, but its mostly baggy ones, extra long ones, or simply maternity.
Stretch marks: I am still using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. Also- A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $45, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $68! What?!!!!!!!!!! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}!
Sleep: Thank goodness sleep took a turn this week and I am back to sleeping decent. Getting up about once a night to go pee- but thats no biggie.
Best moment of this week: Being in a great friends wedding this weekend up in Flagstaff. And some great girlfriends of mine threw me a beautiful Sprinkle for the new little guy!! Also, having our first home that we flipped go in to contract within 24 hours of it being listed!!!!
Miss anything: Miss anything: Being able to workout hard. These days even a power walk sends me into too many contractions, and since the gym’s child care is still closed I haven’t been doing much of anything- and it’s driving me crazy! Should I just hire some gym equipment from Hirefitness or elsewhere, for the time being, and continue my workout?
Movement: All the time- AND I found out at my 32 week appointment that he is measuring a week ahead, so that seems to make sense for how massive and {sometimes painful} his movements are.
Food cravings: Haven’t been able to get enough of Watermelon. Don’t know if its how hot it is outside or a prego craving, but either way every week Bray and I devour a whole Costco size watermelon. And drinking Arnold Palmers..yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet: Large and in charge, but with some encouragement from girlfriends this weekend I am being better about embracing the largeness;)
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: This past week has been FULL of contractions. None of them are so regular that I have had to call in about, but definitely more than normal. Just got checked at my 32 week appointment and still no dilation but I am effaced to 20%. Baby is also measuring a week ahead. Nothing to be concerned about, but definitely interesting.
Belly button in or out: Its all out and I feel like pokes out of clothes more this time around than last
Wedding rings on or off: On:)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be!
Looking forward to: Hopefully meeting my new niece this week at some point! Also, this will be the first weekend in a month that neither J or I are traveling or in a wedding- so I pray that means equal parts relaxing AND getting projects going, we are incredibly underprepared for this baby to come soon!
Also- be sure to check back tomorrow for a little house tour of an area of our home we have never showed before!