You see those two lights there? Ya, they are all the lighting we have in our Master bedroom…and one of them doesn’t even work anymore. Hahah, true story guys. One light to light our whole bedroom- not exactly the ideal situation! So this weekend we decided it needed to change, and it needed to change now!
We still haven’t made up our minds fully on what ones we want, but you better believe we are measuring, and looking at options!
Our go to sources for lighting are usually Signature Hardware, West Elm, School House Electric, Rejuvenation, etc. But I am curious- do you guys have a favorite that we haven’t listed? I feel like there are so many options out there, and probably some we haven’t even heard of! So let me hear it! Help us get LIGHTS, plural, in our room!

I LOVE YOUR HEADBOARD!! I have been searching for over a year for the perfect one and color! Also, sometimes you can find great lighting at World market and Home Depot.
awesome! thanks so much alexes!
I love CB2 and it would fit your style perfectly!
we always forget about cb2! thanks