Maternity clothes: Still able to wear some tops, but pants these days are either workout pants, leggings, or maternity. Can’t wait to wear all of my jeans again some day!
Stretch marks: Just the ones from Christmas Eve on my chest, but still using the amazing tummy stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}. I swear, that oil especially, is the best stuff EVER!
Sleep: When I am actually asleep, great. Waking up 4 times to go pee..not fun.
Best moment of this week: My brothers wedding this past Saturday! Such an incredible time and seeing him so in love!
Miss anything:A full nights sleep {which I know I am going to be missing for a LONG time coming!}
Movement: all.the.time.
Food cravings: Been wanting a lot of pineapple, cantaloupe, and still olives.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I can’t believe I still have 5 more weeks of growth to go!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Contractions are continuing and just found out yesterday that they have actually been doing something. I am 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced. CRAZY! My doctor said she thinks I will have him somewhere in between 37-38 weeks {but obviously could go to 41 weeks as well!} Loving my Hypnobabies homestudy still!
Belly button in or out: The whole thing is out now..and I find it hilarious
Wedding rings on or off: They are so done..:(
Happy or moody most of the time: Insanely happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy..can’t believe its so soon! Heres to hoping we have an incredibly productive week- so much still to do! But also, I just want to relish in these last few weeks of being pregnant.
You look awesome!!!!!! Has been so fun watching your progression. 🙂
I have been enjoying your posts. My daughter is due in 10 weeks with her second. Enjoy the sleep that you are getting now.