How far along: 38 weeks pregnant! Due June 28th!
Total weight gain: Up 21 lb.
Maternity clothes: Bottoms now are maternity or a few sizes up {I have two pair of pants that still fit but ONLY because they are stretchy jean material and are super low rise}. Shirts are mostly baggy ones, extra long ones, or simply maternity.
Stretch marks: I am still using my FAVORITE stretch mark oil {here} and the chest cream {here}.I am starting to get a few white streaks of ones on my lower belly, but hoping that they wont last since they came on just yesterday! Also- A reader left a comment about the oil, which made me spend some time on Amazon looking around, and turns out they sell a BIG bottle of the oil for a ridiculous deal. The normal bottle is 4oz and runs $45, the big bottle is 16oz. and is only $68! What?!!!!!!!!!! From now on I am getting the big daddy {here}!
Sleep: Having a hard time getting comfortable, and waking up twice to pee:/ Definitely have been taking a nap every day, mainly because I never know when I am going to give birth so I want to be as well rested as possible!
Best moment of this week: We had a really fun weekend spending Saturday with friends at a brunch and pool party. They’d just had their pool resurfaced and it looks like a new pool again – I think they might have taken some inspiration from these renukrete project photos for the design, it really is beautiful. Bray was the hit of the party- and it just makes me love our friends even more, since a lot of them dont have kids but still love on Bray so well. We did discover a leak in our laundry room on Friday night though, so that sucked some of the fun from the weekend.
Miss anything: Getting up and down from places easily:)
Movement: All the time! Sometimes it hurts, but mainly its just amazing. He always sticks his butt out to my left and his feet to my right and its crazy.
Food cravings: Still watermelon, chocolate milkshakes from The Stand, and Captain Crunch. Yum.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.
Have you started to show yet: Large and in charge, and thats quite alright;)
Gender: Another little boy, and we are so freaking excited!
Labor signs: At my 37 1/2 week appointment I was dilated to a 3, 70% effaced, and a -2 station. I am getting uncomfortable contractions every now and then and begin to think for a second ‘is this it?!’ and then it stops. Also, have been getting a shooting pain down my inner thigh randomly, must be from him sitting on a nerve weird.
Belly button in or out: Its all out and I feel like pokes out of clothes more this time around than last
Wedding rings on or off: On, which is surprising since they weren’t fitting at this point with Bray!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy as can be, and still in shock that I am now the most pregnant I have ever been!!!!!
Looking forward to: My doctors apt. today to see if more progress has been made. And hopefully having a productive yet relaxing last few weeks {days?} of pregnancy. Just excited to meet this little guy so soon!!

I’ve been following you since you were pregnant with Bray and I am so excited for you! I’m 28 weeks pregnant myself and have loved watching your journey. Looking forward to hearing about the new baby! Fingers crossed for a safe and speedy delivery!