Man, four months I LOVE YOU. This past month has been so fun with Braylen, and I have a strong feeling each month coming is just going to get more and more fun!
- Bray continues to love bath time so much..especially now. He learned that if he kicks while in the water it splashes me all over, and makes him smile huge- what a boy! He will hate me for this later, but look at the toosh:):):)
- This month we went up to our friends cabin for Labor day. It was so fun to get in to some cool air and play dress up with him in beanies and jackets..what? That’s not what you’re supposed to do with a boy? Well, I do!
He got plenty of time with his BFF, Ryan and Kylies {Modern Manor owners} baby Sawyer.
Wud up, bro? |
Haha, yes my jeans are way too ripped, but this is what happened often that weekend. Beer, snacks, and wearing my sweet baby:)
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He had his hiking boots on, just in case! |
The special part of this weekend for me was reflecting on last year. Labor day last year I had ‘hoped’ that I was pregnant, but had no way of knowing if I was or not during Labor Day. We went up to the cabin last year as well, and I just kept talking to my girlfriends about how I couldn’t wait to take a test later that week. Turns out I was pregnant, and now this year we were back there- but with our sweet baby Bray. Love how life works out:)
- This month he has started to grab for everything, and his coordination has gotten worlds better.
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Give me that camera, mama! |
- We watched our first Football game together, go Cards! Yes, this is me ‘getting in to’ football:)
- Along with getting better at grabbing things, he has also mastered the art of grabbing things and putting them straight in to his mouth…always! Anything that I hand him goes straight to his mouth, yikes.
- The thing that makes him smile the most this month is when I make this hideous Donald Duck type of voice. Its totally embarrassing for me to do in public, but at the same time I could care less if it makes him giggle. Anything to get him giggle..I will do!
- His biggest new trick this month…rolling from tummy to back. He used to do this every now and then, but then one day he woke up and decided it was the coolest thing ever to do- and so he does it all the time! I love seeing him learn new things, I hate that they disrupt his sleep:/ But really, it has been so incredible seeing him learn such a huge thing.
- He is now officially sleeping in his crib, all the time. He was soundly sleeping through the night for about two weeks, but then the dreaded 4 month sleep regression hit, so now its hit or miss. It only took two nights of crying {I only let him cry for about 10 minutes at a time before I intervene} and on the third night he sleep all the way till 7am without making a peep. His schedule now is 7,10,1,4,7, and DF at 10ish. I think I will drop his dream feed soon though.
- He has gotten so good at tummy time this month. He lifts his head so high, propped up on his forearms. He actually enjoys it now too, which is so different from last month. His favorite thing to do while practicing, staring at himself in the mirror..what a vain little man;)
- I had my first day of work last Saturday, and it was great! J watches him while I work on Saturdays, which gives them great bonding time3>
- He went to the church I served at for years this month to see my brother sing. It was so fun to introduce him to all of my old friends. We then had a fantastic brunch at my parents house.
Thank you for being a baby who is so full of joy. You smile, giggle, and love life so much- it is so evident. We are so grateful that God gave you a fun personality. Thank you for brightening our days every day. Can’t wait to ‘get to know you’ even more next month. We love you sweet boy.

Can’t believe it’s already been four months! Crazy how time flies.
Love seeing his little personality coming through and seeing him grow. So adorable!! <3
He is too cute!! I love dressing my son up as much as my daughter.. so no judging here. I have my twins 6 month check up this afternoon, and I can’t wait to see how much they weight 🙂
You guys are the cutest family. I visit often and love all the baby updates.
I love looking at all the baby pics, it takes me down memory lane. All his BG clothes remind me of my son, Gibson. He had all the same outfits and onesies.