Time just keeps on flying, and I know it is going to go even faster with all the Holidays coming up! Our sweet Winston is now 4 {haha 4 1/2 really} months old. Poor second child, monthly posts are always 2 weeks late;)
This month this sweet boy has made it his mission to make me realize just how good and easy he is! I swear, aside from him still being sensitive to dairy {and since he is strictly breastfed, that means I don’t get to eat dairy at all}, he could not get easier. He is the most smiley little baby I have ever been around. Always smiling, giggling at everything, talking. I am interested to see if how social he is now will affect how early he talks and how social he is when older.
The only hiccup we had this month was him not wanting to take a bottle a few times. It totally freaked me out, since I need to be away from him for a few trips coming up. I also have a serious amount of milk stored up and want to be able to give at least a lot of it to him! He apparently likes to keep me on my toes, because after a few times of refusing the bottle- he has gone back to being fine. I need to get better about giving him bottles more often, but its just so much easier to nurse since I am with him almost every single feeding!
While I do my best to keep him to a schedule like Babywise, there are many days that he just kinda has to go with the flow. He is easy to get to nap while out of the house, but usually wont sleep for longer than 30-45 minutes unless we are home. His current schedule is 7am wake, 8:15ish nap, 10am wake, 11:30nap, 12:30wake 1:45ish nap 4wake, and then unless he has taken terrible naps earlier, he stays up until bed again at 7pm. Even if he misses naps, wakes early, stays up late- whatever- he is still smiling! It really is mind-blowing to me since Bray was a wreck anytime he was off his schedule even a little bit!
His favorite way to be held to get him nice and sleepy is belly to belly. That position will instantly calm him down, and I love when he just stares at me during it! He still sleeps on his belly always, and the new sucky thing is that he rolls to his back easily. What stinks about it is that once he rolls to his back, he thinks its play time…no matter what time it is! Luckily he hasn’t been doing it much in the middle of the night! We had to do a little bit of CIO for a few nights in order to get him used to not eating at night, and then for awhile he would need me to put his paci in 1-2x a night to get him through till morning. Then one day shy of 15 weeks he slept from his Dreamfeed till 7am! It was glorious!
He got a little cold from Bray this month and it was so sad. He was still his happy self, but had a harder time putting himself to sleep. He got over it quickly since I was lathering him in Young Living oils. Now he sleeps through the night without ever waking!
He loves when Bray talks to him {which is quite often!}. During bath time he just giggles constantly watching Bray doing whatever he does. We are loving that it is now nice out so we can go on evening walks, and walk to The Stand for our Sunday night burgers and shakes! His newest obsession is his hands. He cant have them in his mouth often enough, and thinks its so funny when I pull them out. He also loves putting his Sophie and other chew toys in {haha do you even call baby toys chew toys?!}.
Winston Kennedy, you are our joy. Thank you for being the sweetest, easiest baby ever. God knew that I was afraid to transition to two kids, and so He gave me you! Your sweet personality, constant smiles and giggles, and contentment amazes me daily. I am so excited to continue watching you grow up. And I am SO thankful you have the BEST big brother ever to look up to while you do so. Love you baby boy.

Seeing how happy and easy-going Winston is, gives me hope that if we have a second child, he/she will be easier than our first. 🙂 Our son had reflux and was pretty much cried all. the. time. Thanks for making being a momma of two look totally doable! 🙂
Oh gosh, that second baby will be so much easier- I promise!!!! Give it a shot;)