- For starters, we started him in swim lessons at Hubbard Family swim school. He seriously loves it. Has only been three times now and is already fully going under. Its so fun to see him smile and kick away his little fat legs. He just smiles and talks to me the whole time during the lesson, its for sure a highlight of our week each week.
practicing his lessons in my sisters pool:) |
- We also got a ton of family time this month. Its so fun to see Bray light up when he sees mine and J’s parents.
- He has been loving the dogs more and more. He belly laughs any time the lick him and shake by him. He will be staring at me, but the second they walk by-all attention is on them…and I couldn’t be happier. All of our babies love each other:)
- We
helpeddaddy with a fun project, when in fact we just posed for a photo op!
- My wonderful aunt and uncle came to town, so of course Bray was excited. Great Aunt Linda loves this boy like nothing else, and I think the feelings mutual.
- He started a new trend of pooping every.single.time I put him in his car seat. I don’t know why I even bother putting a new diaper on him when we leave the house.
- Last month when I thought he splashed me a lot during bath…that was like a little sprinkle, now its a downpour. He soaks me and the rug every night. Pretty soon I am going to have to move him to the real bath, maybe once we move to the new house.
- I put him in a walker for the first time this week. He loved it! He kept on shuffling his feet till he moved either forwards or backwards. I have a feeling this will be one of his most favorite things ever pretty soon.
- This is a photo just to show you that ‘baby got back’!
- Now when he plays in his play yard he 1/2 grabs his toys with his hands and 1/2 grabs them with his feet. Its so cute!
- Now that its getting nice outside, we spend a lot of time visiting daddy while he worked away in the garage on projects. Those two and the bond they have..its something special
- He continues to love standing up move than any other position. Any time I hold him while sitting down, he wants to be standing. Really, just any time he can stand he wants to. Strong little legs on this guy
- He had his first bout with a fever. It came on out of no where, stayed {a low grade} for about three days, and then left. It was heartbreaking to see him hurt. It was really only two days of him not acting like himself, I don’t know how parents do it when their kid is sick often. We got him checked out, and they couldn’t find the source of the fever, so we just waited it out.
- Last month he started loving seeing himself in the mirror, and now…on the phone. I can literally turn my phones camera on to the setting where he sees himself and he just stares and stares forever! It cracks me up:
- Especially on the days that he is a little fussy, this detachable seat from his swing is my best friend. I put him in this with a few toys while I am cooking dinner, or folding laundry, and hes as happy as can be. Little mommas boy in the making, always happy as long as he can see me.
- We got an awesome jogging stroller from Craigs List this month and we have loved going on runs, especially now that its finally nice out. He just zones out looking at everything zoom by him.
Baby boy,
Its amazing how each month I think it has been the best, and yet they keep getting better. You, you keep getting better. Your smile, giggle, and snuggles are pure bliss. Thank you for loving your daddy and I so much. We can’t wait to make so many new memories with you in the new house next month. Love you Bray- to the moon and back…
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this is his pure joy at me playing peek-a-boo with him..gosh its good |

Oh My! He is so cute. Thanks for sharing. It’s just crazy how fast they grow and change. Enjoy!
Hey I’m just curious, are you back to working? Who watches him when you work (or if you’re not, how is that change going for you?) I’d love to hear!
He’s sooo darn cute and just growing like an adorable weed! The photo that really cracks me up is the first one at the pool, with another little boy on the bench behind you looking like he’s posing and saying, “Hey baby, check me out”. Too funny.