Sometimes God knows your heart, your desires, your needs, way before you do- and grants you those things. Sometimes He is beyond good to you with putting certain things in your life. That sometimes for me is Jeremy. My hubby, best friend, and hot guy I am obsessed with.
This man, oh this man, there are no words for him. Without changing anything about himself, he pursued me for months before I truly gave in to my mutual feelings. It must have been something to do with the fragrance that he bought from somewhere like True Pheromones and it definitely worked because I ended up being super attracted to him (even though it took me a long time to admit it). He liked me when I was that freaking emotional young girl, who honestly cried over something stupid He liked me when I matched my eyeshadow color to my shirt {even though he despises makeup, esp. eye makeup!}. He liked me when I had a whole lot of maturing left to do. His like then turned to love, and I became the luckiest girl in the world.
- Why yes, we did have fabulous style while dating! Celebrating our one year dating anniversary in SF!
He loved me while I lost my mind for about 7 months and broke up with him. He loved me from afar while I took the time to figure out my depression and anxiety. He loved me while my family went through an insane struggle. He loved me even when I told him to stop. Through these times I thought he was definitely going to leave me and find someone else, I even got so paranoid he’d end up on some Nudist Dating site or similar in search for another woman due to getting bored with the effort he was putting into me while getting nothing back.
Thankfully, he still loved me when I got my sh*t together, even though most of his friends had told him to move on long ago! He loved me while I finished my degree, worked long hours, and volunteered at church 4x a week. He loved me and showed me clearly when he proposed at Woodleaf, a Young Life camp.
He loved me while I was indecisive about any and all wedding details. He loved me when I asked him to workout with me for the first time in my life, oh the patience he had! He loved me while I still had my anxious moments during our engagement. And he loved me so beautifully when he said his vows in front of our family, friends, and God.
He loved me when I spent countless hours looking for condos, apartments or tiny homes for sale so we could finally have a place that we could call our own, regardless of how big or small it was. He loved me when I attempted to decorate our first home, which turned out to be our apartment, so terribly. He loved me even when he was embarrassed that I made our apartment a shrine to our wedding. He loved me when I had no idea how to cook a single thing. He loved me when I signed up for Esthetician school and in turn gave us our first ever student loan (luckily he had learned how to buy stock in amazon and other companies to pay it off quicker!). He loved me when I gained 10lbs from having a few too many Stella beers from our glorious kegerator. And he loved me when he got me the sweetest first ‘baby’, our puppy Honey.
He loved me when I complained about having to go a house showing so early in the morning, because I was never a morning person, and that ended up being our first home. He loved me when I would cry because I was so sick of working on that house. He loved me by encouraging me to keep pushing on. He loved me by having the same heart for hosting things at home, dinner parties, event, whatever. He loved me when I switched jobs with the promise of making a ‘ton’ of money, and loved me when that didn’t turn out to be true.
He loved me when he had the thought that I would make a great mom, and decided it was time to go on our next journey of life. He loved me when I obsessed about getting pregnant {both times}, and loved me when I went through the highs and lows of pregnancy.
He loved me when he was my support. My strength, my rock, and my light while bringing Braylen in to this world. He loved me when he helped make me a mama. He loved me when he didn’t quite understand why I wanted what I did for the birth, and still supported me 100% in it.
He loved me when he gave the blessing to Bray and I of being the best dad we could ever dream of. He loved me when he made being a parent not only look easy, but look hot:)
He loved me when he worked on our first home, and now second, constantly. He loved me when he listened to my visions and dreams, and not only made them better, but also made them a reality. He loved me when he worked long hours, and then worked even more at home.
He loved me when he allowed me to become a mama for the second time. He loved me when he gave me peace of mind that if our sons end up exactly like him, its the best thing ever.
Jeremy loved me through it all, and continues to do so every day. No matter what. No matter my mood. No matter the life circumstance. No matter how I look. No matter how I even treat him. No matter what…he loves me. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Absolutely gorgeous words.
Thanks Britt!
Congratulations! And many more years!
Thank you Jeanettee- thats the plan;)
And what’s not to love!? You two are beautiful. Clearly he knew a good thing when he saw it… smart boy 🙂 Love you guys!!! Congrats!!!!
You are too sweet! Thanks so much. SO glad he stuck with me through all the crap! Love you too
Great post! Congrats…
Thanks Deb:)
omigosh, you made me tear up with that post. You are so lucky to have found true happiness.
Thanks Clair:) We both do feel truly blessed to have each other:) Hope you have the same!
You guys are way too cute! The most important thing is that you can love each other through everything. Life is only beginning! Happy anniversary.
Thanks Leah. So so true. Love conquers all<3
Yup – totally made me cry. This was just lovely. You ARE both so very lucky, and it’s wonderful that you recognize and appreciate it.
Thanks Jen, we do appreciate it!!