How far along: 8 weeks! Officially found out the due date this week: June 28th!
Total weight gain: back to pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: Oh gosh, if I was already needing these we would be in big trouble!
Sleep: So tired all the time. Being honest, if I am not working- I take an hour nap while Bray does.
Best moment of this week: Our first ultrasound!!! J couldn’t get off from his new job so Melissa came with me, and we Facetimed J during the whole thing. Seeing that little blob and hearing the heartbeat, best thing ever. This babes heartbeat was 168, while Brays was only 137…interesting.
Miss anything: A nice glass of wine, and feeling great.
Movement: Not for awhile
Food cravings: This week seems to be anything carbs…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eggs. Anything and everything. And I mean everything. My common routine is to feel like crap from about 3-8pm, and then get in bed to finally go to sleep- and then quickly get back up to puke. Fun times;)
Have you started to show yet: Not yet, although I have been feeling pretty bloated.
Gender: Unknown, have a small feeling its a girl, just because it has been such a different pregnancy…but who knows.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In:)
Wedding rings on or off: On, on the days that I actually wear them!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy for sure.
Looking forward to: going to Sedona this weekend with Js family. Also, Thanksgiving next week! Love hosting all of our family.

Oh boy.. this posting just reminded me how sick I was at the beginning of being pregnant with Parker. His hearbeat was low too. I remember like 146, 137 around there. Maybe it is a girl!! =)