How far along: 8 weeks pregnant! Due September 27th!
Total weight gain: Down 1 lb.
Maternity clothes: Not yet!
Stretch marks: Nothing happening yet:)
Sleep: Needing a nap every single day! That afternoon slump is intense these days. Thankfully both boys nap at the same time, so I get some rest daily.
Best moment of this week: Our 8 weeks appointment! We got to see this little babe on the ultrasound, hear that precious heartbeat, and see that everything is looking perfect so far! We also found out that there is a blood test {that is SUPER noninvasive- literally just a normal blood draw} that tests for all genetic abnormalities AND tells you the gender…and that I can get it done in a week! We always test our pregnancies for any issues, because we always want to be as prepared as possible for whatever lies ahead for the sweet baby’s life. But man- the fact that not only can we get those results this early, but also know what this baby is by like 10 weeks is CRAZY! After this is done, I’m planning to look at and other websites to find a local clinic and have a health checkup, after all my health is of importance to this pregnancy too!
Miss anything: Feeling good. It is all so worth it, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t mind feeling good.
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings: Carbs usually.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything and everything. I will crave something all day, so I make it for our dinner, and then when it comes time to eat it- just the thought of that food makes me want to throw up. I can usually force something down for breakfast and lunch, but dinner is always a toss up. Haven’t thrown up yet, but most days I am pretty nauseous on and off all day. I have been drinking Ningxia, applying lemon and ginger essential oil, and taking a B6 supplement, so those are helping.
Have you started to show yet: Not yet.
Gender: Unknow:)
Labor signs: None, and hopefully none for a LONG time.
Belly button in or out: In, for now:)
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, emotional, and sappy. Crying at freaking tv commercials! I used to be a super emotional person, but haven’t been as much the older I get. But man, these days I am back to my old self;)
Looking forward to: Jeremy worked last weekend, so we are excited to have him home with us this weekend. And getting my hair done. Haha, its the little things in life like a relaxing two hours at the salon with my sweet friend Julie taking care of my hair:)

I’m so glad you are doing these posts. You are so cute! I was very nauseated with son- exactly how you describe. It felt never ending, but it stopped at 12 weeks exactly; it was like magic. I hope it’s like this for you too. So, hang in there.